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  • juliankhor
    Post count: 59

    Thanks Mohammad
    I have added the custom code for the CSS, also removed the blanks spacer.
    As mentioned. Once I resize the content within the tabs element, the page will get messed up again.
    Please try the attached image and do a preview of the page. You will see what I mean.

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    Post count: 59

    Hi Mohammad
    Yes a space between the button and tab content is needed.
    However while you are at it, it seems like by adding 2 block text side by side at 1/2 size will also cause the same issue. Please try it out.


    Post count: 59

    Hi Mohammad,
    Did you had the change of looking into this?. It’s really irritating to have something so basic to be so buggy.


    Post count: 59

    Hi Mohammad
    Thank you for your response.
    Unfortunately the same issues are still present.

    By adding a ‘Product Element’ and adjusting the size , and also by adding or moving the position of the ‘ Blank spacer element’ still messed up the page formatting.

    Page : Home
    Element affected : Tabs
    Steps to reproduce :
    1. Resize Product element to 1/2
    2. Resize Block Text element to 1/2
    3. Place these 2 elements side by side as shown in image attachment.
    4. Will also happen when blank spacer element is moved to the top of the above 2 elements

    Thank you Mohammad for your time.

    Warmest Regards

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    in reply to: SPB Tabs issue #270601
    Post count: 59

    I am having the same exact issue.
    Where is the ” build in design options” you are talking about?. Some elements does not have this option. In this cases, can I not be able to use a blank spacer ?,
    Please provide steps on how to add a spacer inside the tab element please. Much appreciated


    Post count: 59

    Thank you for the reply. I am curious if that is the only available icon list available?.
    As the icons used for the theme ” Atelier / Bryant – demo ” looks different and not available from the list you provided. Also the prefix, used in the Bryant demo seams to start with ‘ta’ instead of ‘sf’.
    Any help will be much appreciated

    Warm Regards

    Regarding the first question about the tabs not being aligned. I am not sure why its showing up like that in my surface pro 4 , using safari browser. However when I tried it in another computer, it looks ok. :/…

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    Post count: 59

    Hi Kyle
    Thank you for looking into this.
    Yes, I have assigned the necessary images for each of the variables.
    Could you take a look if I have missed anything? I believe I have provided the necessary info to access my wordpress account.
    This is the example I am working on ;

    Thanks so much

    in reply to: Unable to download demo theme completely #264874
    Post count: 59

    Somehow, today when I try to import again, it worked. Not sure why, but it worked after few days of failing.
    I guess this is issue is resolved.


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