Digital experiences for all disciplines
Forum Replies Created
Mini header OFF
Enable the mini header when scrolling down the page.Thank you very much LARANZ for his response.
I understand that the content of the web, menus, you paginate and configurations of type, size, and colors of the elements of the web, they guard by means of THEME OPTION/EXPORT-IMPORT.I regret being weighed but I am to be sure, I am novel in wordpress.
which of the two options is most recommended?
But if I delete the theme, I lose my web content (pages, menu, etc …), I am concerned because I have late in the page …
I can’t believe you me.
Maybe in the next update to define size of the slider…
At the moment recurire to an external plugin…
A pity…
Thank you, already I solved it
Well, I am sorry to say that it does not work… To it puts a smaller image, the slide re-measures her … it makes her bigger and therefore losing quality, pixelando… I am a bit defrauded by this theme, it is it basic be able to indicate the size of a slide. It is a shame day pupils have to resort to pluggin…
¿?¿?¿? Waiting…. But nobody answers… 🙁
Help please… Can be done, thanks..
A standard slide with images no very the reverse, sorry
you have to check REMOVE BREADCRUMBS
uncheck in the page
Misc. Options
Remove breadcrumbs (no check)
Remove the breadcrumbs on the page. -
Posted in: Reply To: Remove page directory