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  • in reply to: Font size on product thumbs #236699
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    Thanks Kyle!

    in reply to: can´t install purchased theme #208720
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    Ok, this is getting frustrating, Each person answering on this topic is giving me a different solution and none of them works. I´ve added a screenshot where you can see the logo is:
    1- Too big
    2- misplaced- I want it closer to the top and closer to the left

    Please se my questions below, I´d be really really grateful if you could help me solve this:
    -How do I change the space to left and top?
    -Is it possible to add a different logo to only mobile device?
    -Can I keep the same logo but make it smaller on tablet?

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    hi David, I tried the script you gave me but it doesn´t change the logo size at all, not on any device. And what about the left and top padding, possible to change?

    If this is too much to work around I would like it to look exactly as on the neighborhood mobile site which looks great- and in that case I would need to add a modified logo for mobile device, is that possible?

    Post count: 27

    I can´t see that it changed anything on ipad unfortunately, the only thing changed is on iphone view where the logo now looks stretched instead. Any suggestions?..

    Post count: 27

    Thanks Rui, I added the css and it changes the size on vertical view on phone, but not on tablet or iphone horizontal view, could you please provide me with some css for that as well? It would also be great to be able to set the padding/spacing above and to the left. now it looks a bit misplaced.

    Post count: 27

    Ok, so if I need to pick one language for tablet and smartphone it has to be english, now it shows me swedish, how do I adjust that?

    And what about the logo size and customized revolution slider size for smartphone and tablet?

    Yes I updated to 2.18 as Mohammed said just a few days ago. Just resolved all the issues that came with the update so waiting a while with updating to the next version would be preferable.

    Post count: 27

    Hi again Nishant, sorry it took me so long to respond, I managed to solve the logo issue adjusting the height and width, thanks anyway.

    What about my issues on this topic, regarding tablet and smartphone view, any suggestions there?

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    Thanks Nishant, the menu looks fine now, but the logo is a bit compressed horisontally even though it´s not much, see my screenshot. If that could be fixed it would be much appreciated.

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    Hi again Mohammed, I managed to fix the permalinks myself but the logo and menu are still off. And it would be great if I could get some assistance on the topic of this thread, thanks in advance!

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    And the header logo is compressed horisontally all of the sudden..

    Post count: 27

    I see the products now but all english product links are broken and the english menu is still misplaced. And for some reason some products are missing in the swedish version, under cushions(kuddar) for example.

    Post count: 27

    Ok, I did the update but it made the whole product gallery crash, try clicking on any category in the menu and you´ll see what I mean. Also the menu lost it´s layout- “sales & offers” is on a new line and the language switcher doesn´t work.
    Now I really need your help to fix this!
    I updated wordpress and the plugins as well but it didn´t change anything unfortuantely. Please help

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    Post count: 27

    Hi Mohammed, I´ve attached some screenshots from the iphone and ipad. If not centering the logo, I would like to be able to adjust the size and probably put a customized logo instead of the current one on smartphone view.

    3 more issues I discovered regarding the same topic:
    – I can´t find the language switcher neither on iphone or ipad.
    – why is there so much padding on the second image on homepage (“we love prints” img) on iphone view?
    – Can I customize the homepage content (revolutionslider & images) to one specific view for smartphone & another for tablet view?

    Thanks in advance for your help!
    Kind regards Jenny

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