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  • in reply to: Updating to version 3.2 #236302
    Post count: 37

    ok i think i have it figured out. I had to go into menu admin and select where the menu was to be placed.

    in reply to: Unable to update to version 3.2 #236294
    Post count: 37

    I think i fixed it.

    in reply to: Unable to update to version 3.2 #236293
    Post count: 37

    I updated to the new theme version 3.2 and updated wp to 4.4 and now no main menu.

    in reply to: Spacing between single image box and text box #213874
    Post count: 37

    Still having an issue with this. The code doesn’t seem to make any difference.

    in reply to: Promo Bar Height #204242
    Post count: 37

    Does not seem to make any difference. I have attached two screenshots. One of the tall promo bar when I try to add larger more bold font. And the thinner promo bar when I simply type the text directly into the field on the promo bar options page.

    I would like the promo bar to stay thinner but be able to fill it in with larger and more bold text.

    Please advise.

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    Post count: 37

    If I do that it will not line up. See attached screenshot. For some reason elements cannot overlap. So the element on the far right is pushing the two text elements with the bullet points down and away form the image. Which is why i was trying to put the information into the caption area of the image element.

    i would prefer to use text as it shows in this attached image for the bullet points instead of images but i was just trying to get it to look right.

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    in reply to: Single Image Element Size 1/6 #200783
    Post count: 37

    I don’t think it is working fine. Look at these two images and this link. you can see in the image that it says 1/6 but the element is full width. you can also see on the live page that is is full width.

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    in reply to: Single Image Element Size 1/6 #200499
    Post count: 37
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    in reply to: Single Image Element Size 1/6 #200481
    Post count: 37

    Yes. 3.10

    in reply to: Boxed Content Width and Height #188313
    Post count: 37

    Its the same image that i attached in this thread. But here it is again. I need to make the orange text box smaller throughout the website. I have the same text box on every page of my site.

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    in reply to: Boxed Content Width and Height #188175
    Post count: 37

    How can i reduce the height of this text box?

    in reply to: Margin below single image #183806
    Post count: 37
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    in reply to: Boxed Content Width and Height #183322
    Post count: 37

    would there be a way to accomplish this within the custom code you provided so i don’t have to go into each page and make the changes?

    in reply to: Boxed Content Width and Height #182969
    Post count: 37

    So my next question is. How can I reduce the space above the text block on these specific blocks? See image.

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    in reply to: Boxed Content Width and Height #182963
    Post count: 37

    Hi Rui, just in case you didn’t see the original request.

    I would like the height of the box to be reduced to the same height as the Promo Bar at the top of the page.
    I also would like the width of the box to be increased to the full width of the white part of the page, again just like the width of the Promo Bar at the top of the page.

    *** Important! *** I will have “copies” of this exact same box/banner throughout the entire website so I need to be able to make the modification to every box on every page. And still not effect the other text blocks.

    Will this latest custom code accomplish this?

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 35 total)