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  • in reply to: Cart Layout is looking wierd #201132
    Post count: 122

    Hey Rui,

    are there any updates according the layout of the cart and the layout of the “double check -> pay” page?

    And is there a solution to display the “romove item X” properly?

    thanks in advance.


    in reply to: Translation has changed #201129
    Post count: 122

    It is on this “double check -> pay” page.

    The page where the layout looks strange. I mentioned it in another thread.

    So if you go from cart to your checkout page you can type in some Order Notes at the bottom of the “cart-page”
    and if you do so, on the next page ( double check -> pay) there will be a part which says “your order notes” where you can see the notes you typed in on the previous page. And these part just appears if you type in some notes on the checkout page.

    I just typed in the note ” Your Order Notes should be ” Deine Bestellanmerkungen””.

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    in reply to: Translation has changed #201115
    Post count: 122

    Hey I have tried this plugin but I couldn’t figure out how it works properly. I did not get an information in which translation file I need to search.

    But I solved the “select” translation. It was a wrong translated string in your Atelier translation file.

    But still, I can’t find the “Your order Notes” String.
    And i have also searched within the woocommerce translation files..

    The realtime translation Plugin works but I would like to reduce the code as much as possible so I would be very happy to find the correct string and translate this one via .po file.

    so if you have any further idea how to solve this without additional plugins….
    it would be very much appreciated



    in reply to: Cart Layout is looking wierd #200635
    Post count: 122

    hey Rui,

    additionally i spotted that the “x” to remove items within the cart is not shown properly on some of the available fonts.
    you can take a look in the cart with the login I gave to you.

    So we have 3 issues overall
    1. cart layout is now strange again, I did

    /*.includes_tax {
        font-size: 85%!important;

    so that you can see what i am talking about.

    2. the remove “x” on the cart

    3. and the layout on the “double check and order” page (like in the screenshot on this post

    thanks in advance

    in reply to: Cart Layout is looking wierd #200594
    Post count: 122

    As Said: the cart works now because i decreased the Size of .include_tax via custom css take this part Off the customm css And it will Look Strange again.
    But the bigger issue is the other page If you follow my bulletpoints you will See it. It is these “double check and pay” page not the cart


    in reply to: Shop Products Page Builder element #200587
    Post count: 122

    Hey Kyle,
    cheers for the update.
    Would be great if you could set it up like this in the future.
    It would help a lot if you could choose the porducts you wan to feature in this way.
    So you have no trouble if some products get out of stock or some new products were added to your shop…

    thanks again for the help.



    in reply to: Cart Layout is looking wierd #200585
    Post count: 122
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    in reply to: Translation has changed #200582
    Post count: 122

    I took the files via ftp and edited the missing parts by hand.
    So n plugin was used.

    ind I can’t find the Codestyling Localization plugin.

    in reply to: Translation has changed #200471
    Post count: 122

    Hey Ed,

    thanks for the reply.

    I am wondering why I can’t find these strings.
    Can you might help figuring out which is the correct .po file. I thought I have checked all of them more than ones.
    But maybe I have missed this string…



    in reply to: Translation has changed #200231
    Post count: 122

    Perfect, thanks a lot Mohammad.
    Have a sunny day.



    in reply to: Shop Products Page Builder element #200216
    Post count: 122

    Yes because that is what I have requested in my first post.
    That is exactly what I want

    Just one product should be excluded.

    for example:
    – I have 25 products
    – we are currently looking at product no 22
    – at the bottom the the content of product 22 I want to display 4 random products (changing on refresh)
    – these 4 products should be 4 random picked products (out of 01 to 25 excluding 22)

    in reply to: Translation has changed #200208
    Post count: 122

    That has solved the problem, thanks.

    But it would be also interesting which file is taking care of this translation. So that I could change it via .po file and doesn’t need the extra plugin.

    thanks in advance.

    in reply to: Shop Products Page Builder element #200201
    Post count: 122

    Thats strange.

    Please take a look at the screenshot.
    And as soon as I refresh 4 random Products are shown. and not the latest 4 created..

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    in reply to: Shop Products Page Builder element #200191
    Post count: 122

    So is there a fixed period.
    For example: after 60 days a product won’t appear anymore if “latest products” settings is selected.

    in reply to: Shop Products Page Builder element #200166
    Post count: 122


    thanks for the quick response.

    My solution for now:

    I have selected the “latest products” asset and have limited it to 4 columns and 4 items.
    So i have always 4 random picked, different products in a row.
    BUT this means that also the actual product could be featured even if you are on that single product page.

    And I have also no idea if this solution breaks at one point. Is there a rule how long the system will give the products the “latest product” status?!


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