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  • in reply to: Cart Layout is looking wierd #203088
    Post count: 122

    Just got the information that they will check their beta plugin this afternoon. I have disabled it for now. So you can access now.

    please let me know as soon as you are finished.

    would be lovely if you could help me fixing this 3 issues….
    thanks in advance.


    in reply to: Cart Layout is looking wierd #203084
    Post count: 122

    Hey David Martin,

    I will let you know as soon as you can access again, because right now there are some devolopers checking for a multilanguage woo commerce plugin checking their newest version.

    sorry for the delay.
    I will update soon.


    in reply to: Cart Layout is looking wierd #202759
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    in reply to: Cart Layout is looking wierd #202686
    Post count: 122

    Hey David Martin,

    regarding point 1:
    thanks a lot for your response, and that you took a second look on this problem.

    Yes it is that problem.
    but I have reportet that issue to the developers of woocommerce german market. And they are currently checking this isue.

    (If you want to check the full integration of this plugin, i send it too you on an further issue.

    Maybe Ed still have the right plugin ( POST WITH INK

    regarding point 2:
    i will try this code this afternoon.

    regarding point 3

    I do not want to remove the x i want do display it properly.
    see attached screenshot

    thanks in advance


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    in reply to: Cart Layout is looking wierd #202467
    Post count: 122

    Thanks for the reply.

    sad to hear that your theme doesn’t work 100% properly with woocommerce german market.

    what is about the other two issues?! the broken layout on the cart page and also the remove “x” on the cart and checkout page which is not displayed correctly.

    Is there a way to solve this?

    thanks in advance.


    in reply to: Cart Layout is looking wierd #202389
    Post count: 122

    Hi David,

    thanks for your reply.
    No I haven’t changed anything.. on that page.
    This page will automatically created by Woocommerce German Market plugin (which is taking care of almost all legal restrictions for the german law.). I think this page is also a legal restriction.

    Would be very much appreciated if you guys would have a solution for this problem.

    thanks in advance.


    in reply to: Wrong translation after update #202056
    Post count: 122

    have fixed it.

    for some reason the child theme language file was not used.
    So I looked at the main theme .po file and there was the translation missing again.

    would it be possible to get an guide of how to include .po files for an child theme?!

    I have added a “language” folder within my child theme folder

    and i have done this in my functions.php within the child theme folder

    	================================================== */
    	*	You can uncomment the line below to include your own translations
    	*	into your child theme, simply create a "language" folder and add your po/mo files
    	 load_theme_textdomain('swiftframework', get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/language');

    thanks in advance


    in reply to: Cart Layout is looking wierd #202032
    Post count: 122

    here two more screenshots.
    on the one which shows the cart totals the lines are on the same hight and the text wrapping is also correct…

    if you want you can place a trial order ( BUT PLEASE USE BANK TRSANFER AND NOT PAYPAL) i will delete the orders after you placed them.

    the biggest problem is the double check page which comes after the checkout page.
    (this is also restricted by the german law)

    p.s. Are you sure I can paste back the custom CCS on the German page?!

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    in reply to: Cart Layout is looking wierd #202026
    Post count: 122

    Hey David,

    i bet the issue is the woocommerce german market plugin and german translations (because usually german words are longer tan english ones, and we need to place more text, buttons and legal stuff restricted by law.

    I did an order in your shop. hope you cancel this one.

    Your shop is working perfectly for me. (see attached screenshots)
    I will attach one more screenshot. It was taken on the on a 17″ mac book pro. latest OSX and firefox.
    I am usually working on a 15″ mac book pro. latest OSX and chrome.
    But sometimes also an 24″ iMac and and mac pro with an 24″ eizo screen also everything latest OSX and mostly chrome.

    Same issue on all of them.
    As I said before I was able to solve the problem by decreasing the fontsize on the cart page of the “.includes-tax”.
    I bet it is the same issue with the other lines which are wrapped wrongly if the text is too long or too big.
    Sometimes it maybe just needs a flush right or left for the text

    maybe you are also able to see the german version if I delete the english version from the MLP installation.
    Shall I try that? ( I need to synchronize the english page again anyways. As soon as the Layout stuff is fixed….

    I also spotted that some translations are wrong on mozilla firefox (second checkbox) (like you will see in the screenshot. this one is correct when I am using chrome.

    same issue on my english page.
    the cart and checkout page are looking better, cause of the shorter text (see screenshot)

    but the double check -> pay option and checkout is the same issue.

    best jay

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    in reply to: Header colour wrong after update on 1.65 #201885
    Post count: 122

    Ah, perfect.
    I was looking at header background color instead of nav-headerbackground color.

    thanks for resolving.


    in reply to: Cart Layout is looking wierd #201852
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    in reply to: Header colour wrong after update on 1.65 #201850
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    in reply to: Cart Layout is looking wierd #201550
    Post count: 122

    you are allready using the only super admin login.

    there is a child theme folder but there is almost nothing changed in there.

    there is a functions.php
    a screenshot for the theme thumbnail
    and a style.css
    with the following content:

    @import url("../atelier/style.css");

    that’s it..

    let me know if I can do anything else to support you guys.

    in reply to: Translation has changed #201547
    Post count: 122

    Seems like woocommerce german market missed this translation, they will fix it within the next update.

    thanks for your help.



    in reply to: Translation has changed #201141
    Post count: 122

    Hey Ed,

    and I just found “Order Notes” in the woocommerce .po-file and in this file “Order Notes” is translated correctly.
    But “Your Order Notes” is still not translated on my website.
    and the woocommerce .po file is translated completely (100%) and also translated correctly.

    $this->checkout_fields['order']  = array(
        'order_comments' => array(
            'type' => 'textarea',
            'class' => array('notes'),
            'label' => __('Order Notes', 'woocommerce'),
            'placeholder' => _x('Notes about your order, e.g. special notes for delivery.', 'placeholder', 'woocommerce')

    and as you can see in the code, just “Order Notes” should be the correct string for this.

    I have contacted the woocommerce team on this topic.

    lets see if they find a solution.



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