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  • JaySchulz
    Post count: 122

    Hey David,

    yes the string for the german site is translated in the German child theme language file.

    But I need to change the english wording from “Total incl. tax” to “Total incl. 19% VAT”.

    So i guess I need to change the english source string somewhere?!
    (And I do not want to install any further plugins for localization)

    thanks in advance.

    Post count: 122

    Hey David,

    no it is not a missunderstanding, you mean the right thing.

    1. the hover on the cart icon in the header needs to be changed from

    “Total incl. tax”


    “Total inkl 19% VAT”

    (Point one is triggered by the theme .po file but I don’t know how to change the english “source” part in the .po file.)

    2. I have done this “Dashboard => WooCommerce => Settings => Tax => Display Prices in the Shop.” already.

    so this needs to be changed as on the german page.
    See attached screenshots.

    I don’t know why the page is not displaying the tax, all the settings are exactly the same.

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    Post count: 122

    Hey David Martin,

    It seems like the problem is fixed now. I think it was caused by one plugin.

    But yes, the issue how the VAT is displayed is still a topic.

    thanks in advance.


    in reply to: Header basket icon fonts after changing to https #205273
    Post count: 122

    Hey David Martin,

    that would be great!


    Post count: 122

    have updated the atelier theme to the newest version and refreshed the network, now it is the other way round.
    on the german page the english cart is used as link and the language on the german cart hover is english.

    in reply to: Header basket icon fonts after changing to https #204223
    Post count: 122

    Hey Rui,

    that worked for now, thank you very much.

    But I have a temp file in my theme options – font options which I can not delete or find on the server, cause of this multilingual network installation and the /en/ path I think.

    Would love to use it via the theme options – font options.

    Is there a way, so that I could change the font quickly via font options in the backend if I need to?

    thanks in advance.


    in reply to: Custom Fonts #204219
    Post count: 122

    sorry, posted in the wrong thread.

    in reply to: Header basket icon fonts after changing to https #204179
    Post count: 122

    Hi Mohammad,

    thanks for the reply.
    true the icon is now working. But I haven’t changed anything in the meantime.
    But I am still not able to include my custom font for menu and body font (neris light)

    is there a solution for that?
    i mentioned that in a previous post in this thread.

    thanks in advance.


    in reply to: Header basket icon fonts after changing to https #204129
    Post count: 122

    yes. installed on both network pages.

    in reply to: Cart Layout is looking wierd #204060
    Post count: 122

    Hey David-Martin,

    thanks for the code.

    I have double checked it, and that one was not the correct working olution for my problems.

    But i figured out a code which is working fine and solving all of this problems.

    .woocommerce-checkout #customer_details {
        width: auto!important;
        float: left!important;
        padding-right: 5px!important;
        padding-bottom: 15px!important;
    .checkout.wgm-second-checkout #order_review {
        float: left!important;
        width: 65%!important;
        padding-left: 25px!important;
    .woocommerce .wgm-second-checkout .col2-set .col-1, .woocommerce-page .col2-set .col-1 {
        width: 100%!important;

    just if anybody else need this solution for the german market plugin.



    in reply to: Header basket icon fonts after changing to https #203842
    Post count: 122

    and as the english domain is ….com/en/ i think this is the next problem on this topic.

    I would need to change the http to https and the url from …com/wp-content… to …com/en/wp-content

    in reply to: Header basket icon fonts after changing to https #203840
    Post count: 122

    Hey Rui,

    same is for the custom fonts.
    One of my custom fonts is working ( Quickpen font) but my body and menu font (Neris light) is also not working on the english page, I think it is the same problem)

    and as the redux font uploader is still not working I don’t know how to add them correctly via ftp…

    in reply to: Header basket icon fonts after changing to https #203838
    Post count: 122

    Hi Rui,

    as it is an Multilingual Press installation I cant change these URLs under Settings – general.
    The only spot where I can change the Url is under

    Network Admin – sites – edit site – setings

    I changed it there from http to https but the icons are still missing.

    in reply to: Wrong translation after update #203827
    Post count: 122

    Sorry for my late response.
    That worked perfect.

    thanks a lot.



    in reply to: Cart Layout is looking wierd #203570
    Post count: 122
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