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  • in reply to: add to cart button on hover is not working #230437
    Post count: 122

    Hey there,

    it was a bug within the plugin.
    They have updated the MultiWoo Plugin and it works fine now.

    thanks again.

    in reply to: Warning after Update v1.80 #229542
    Post count: 122

    Hi there,

    Same Problem for me.
    Would also need some advice to solve this as soon as possible.

    Warning: Illegal offset type in isset or empty in .../wp-includes/pomo/translations.php on line 85

    thanks in advance


    in reply to: add to cart button on hover is not working #213428
    Post count: 122

    Hey David,

    just got an information from the MultiWoo developers. Here are there comments.

    “MutliWoo does not change session variables directly, it changes only the cart that is saved in the session. It seems that Multiwoo and the theme are using both the same hook and the functions of the theme is called first. You would need to change the priority, that the multiwoo funtion is called first and then the theme function.

    the hook is:

    If theme request gets a lower priority the problem should be sloved.”

    Is that possible?


    in reply to: add to cart button on hover is not working #213281
    Post count: 122

    Hey David,

    I did and they have checked everything for several days now. And As they Are unable to recreate this issue they spotted that it has to be an theme issue.
    As I am the only beta user with this problem….
    I am wondering why the button in the single Product page is working. And on the shop page not.

    in reply to: add to cart button on hover is not working #213080
    Post count: 122

    Hey David,

    yes I spoke with the developers of this because it is the final beta version.
    And it says “use Activate WooCommerce per site, not as network plugin.”
    Multiwoo needs to be installed as network plugin.
    thats what they told me. And thats how it is working for them and on other themes.



    in reply to: add to cart button on hover is not working #212696
    Post count: 122


    I haven’t changed anything. I’am still using the same settings you have done.
    I would need to change something, if I need to set up a new childteheme.

    Have you tried to use the + icon to put something in the cart, and checked the cart afterwards.
    I saw you put a variable product in the basket to test it. But this one can’t be put in the basket via the + – icon.

    As said, everything works if youo are using the add to basket button on the single product page but it doesn’t work via the plus-icon (for example on the home page the Gold-Paddle Product.)

    in reply to: add to cart button on hover is not working #212689
    Post count: 122

    Hey Mohammad,

    sorry but after refreshing the site I have the same issue again.
    I am still using the parent theme. But as soon as I add a product to the cart via the plus button (for example try the “goldpaddle” from the “home” page) it is gone after adding through the “+” icon (left hand on the attached image in the first post) on the cart page.
    and the cart says that the cart is empty….

    in reply to: add to cart button on hover is not working #212687
    Post count: 122


    thank you so much!!!
    So I basically need to setup a new child theme, right?!

    Because I need to change some details cause of some german restrictions by law.
    Like “total incl. 19% VAT” on the cart hover and so on….



    in reply to: add to cart button on hover is not working #212664
    Post count: 122

    Feel free to activate the german atelier child theme for the german page if you need it.
    I kept the default for now.

    just to let you know.
    thanks alot.

    in reply to: add to cart button on hover is not working #212663
    Post count: 122

    done, thanks in advance.



    in reply to: add to cart button on hover is not working #212661
    Post count: 122

    can not double check with default theme.
    Have installed the twenty fourteen on the german page.
    Everything is working if I am adding a product from the store overview page.
    It stays in the basket/cart.



    in reply to: add to cart button on hover is not working #212648
    Post count: 122

    Hey Mohammad,

    it works fine till I activate the “multiwoo plugin”. But the developers of “multiwoo” told me that they are unable to recreate this problem and it works fine with every other tested theme…

    Is there a way to fix this problem?!

    thanks in advance.


    in reply to: add to cart button on hover is not working #212638
    Post count: 122

    Hey Mohammad,

    I have deactivated everything except woocommerce andthe swift framework, now it is working.
    But how can I figure out which plugin is affecting the button?!

    thanks in advance.



    in reply to: add to cart button on hover is not working #212621
    Post count: 122

    Hey Mohammad,

    thanks for your reply.
    Yes the button itself is working fine.
    So the button adds something to the cart. But as soon as you are going on the cart page it says that the cart is empty.
    If you are using the add to cart button on a single product page it will stay in the cart.

    Please try both buttons and visit the cart afterwards, you will see what I am talking about.

    thanks in advance.


    Post count: 122

    Hey David,

    thanks for your reply, and sorry for my super late response.
    line 1023 on that file is the following:

    $cart_output .= '<figure><a class="bag-product-img" href="' . get_permalink( $cart_item['product_id'] ) . '">' . $_product->get_image() . '</a></figure>';

    this doesn’t seems right to me.
    can you double check.
    and what do I need to do if I want to fix this just in a Child theme?

    thanks in advance.


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