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  • in reply to: 3 question/issues #15248
    Post count: 14

    Glad to help! Good luck!

    in reply to: 3 question/issues #15202
    Post count: 14

    Hi catseye. Yes. In Woocommerce tab, click Settings. Then select “Catalog” tab at top. At the bottom, there is a section called Image Options, which has a link to “regenerate your thumbnails”. Click this and install this plugin.

    Once this is done, just regenerate all thumbnails and it fixed my issues. you may not notice it right away, but if you keep refreshing your website, the images should become clear after a minute or two.

    Hope this helps!

    in reply to: 3 question/issues #14512
    Post count: 14

    Yes that helped! Thanks!

    in reply to: 3 question/issues #14223
    Post count: 14

    hi dejavu,
    you’ve been so helpful. I was wondering if you could help with my “Shop” page. I’m trying to set get the woocommerce sidebar to show up on the left side like the demo, however it will not show up at all ( I have set what I want in the woocommerce sidebar in the widget section. Then when I go to my shop page and set it to use the sidebar, nothing happens. Also, my alt background for heading is set to the same as all of my other pages, but it doesn’t show up on the shop page. If you can help, please let me know.


    in reply to: 3 question/issues #14073
    Post count: 14

    Sure. I simply left price field empty for the product. This way the ad to cart button doesn’t show up on product page.

    in reply to: 3 question/issues #14060
    Post count: 14

    Nevermind, I just figured it out. Thanks again for all your help!!

    in reply to: 3 question/issues #14058
    Post count: 14

    Ok great! As for the Out of Stock, is there a way to set up the product, however not letting people purchase it? I want to treat it as a coming soon product. I dont them to be able to put in their cart at all. I tried putting out of stock, but of course it puts the the label on the photo.
    I also tied muting in the price as “TBA” but when I do so, the price comes up as “Free”. Not sure how to handle.

    in reply to: 3 question/issues #14053
    Post count: 14

    Gotcha. One last question. Do you know how to get rid of the tabs in the corner of my product thumbnails? Take a look

    I don’t want the “new” and “out of stock” tab on my product images.

    Thanks again! You have been really helpful!

    in reply to: 3 question/issues #14050
    Post count: 14

    Will this effect my current pages? I already have my full woocommerce pages and other pages and they work fine.

    in reply to: 3 question/issues #14043
    Post count: 14

    Also, meevi, I never installed demo content. How do I do so? I just installed the theme I downloaded.

    in reply to: 3 question/issues #14042
    Post count: 14

    Thanks meevi!! This is perfect. You seem to be the only one responding to my posts? I cant find the support team.

    Thanks again!

    in reply to: 3 question/issues #14031
    Post count: 14

    Hello!! Can someome PLEASE help me?? I have resolved my first 2 issues, however I still need help with my 3rd question:
    “3. How do I create a “Track your Order” link and page like you have on the demo site ( I cant seem to find anything in WooCommerce that allows this. Please help!”

    in reply to: 3 question/issues #13857
    Post count: 14

    I created it in Photoshop. Just took my guy with tshirt image and place it on top of grey background. And added text. Then I saved it as jpg and placed it in the Revolution Slider. as a slide.

    in reply to: 3 question/issues #13851
    Post count: 14

    Thanks. I never had the a problem with the the slider image. it works fine. I’m having problems with the images below the slider. They are very unclear. I’m waiting on support team to tell me how to fix.

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