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  • in reply to: load time: scripts and custom fonts #160008
    Post count: 27

    I can’t change to a custom page menu (short screencast: – and the swift slider still doesn’t automatically scroll… possibly related?



    in reply to: load time: scripts and custom fonts #159601
    Post count: 27

    Hi Ed,

    I didn’t make any template changes, it’s mysterious. I’ve now disabled all plugins except for Contact Form 7 and js Minify / Supercache (I’ve cleared both caches too).

    I’ve made a screencast so you can see the issue I’m having here:

    As you can see, it’s a bit hit and miss still. I’m really confused, and sorry to bother you with it. I’m out of ideas as to how to resolve it… maybe export site and fresh install??

    Thanks again,


    in reply to: load time: scripts and custom fonts #159546
    Post count: 27

    Hi Ed,

    Thanks for your messages — I’ve changed to relative urls (“#instagram” etc) but this does not work from other pages. If I am at “/contact” and have to link to “#instagram” on the home page, the relative link thinks it is “/contact#instagram” which doesn’t exist. This is the core of the menu issue I am having, that it can’t link to anchors on other pages because it needs relative links. If I had one long homepage this would be fine, but as I need other pages I am not sure how to resolve this… what would you advise? As it stands as soon as a visitor leaves the homepage they’re stuck, which is not ideal. Should I create separate menus for homepage / other pages?

    I have deleted the Woocommerce Quickview plugin as advised; I also can no longer autoscroll down from the Swift curtain slider on the homepage. I used to be able to, but now the only way to descend the page is to click the continue arrow.

    Thanks for your all help, I really appreciate it.

    Very best,


    in reply to: load time: scripts and custom fonts #159156
    Post count: 27

    Thanks Rui, I’ll keep an eye out for it.
    Best wishes,


    in reply to: load time: scripts and custom fonts #159085
    Post count: 27

    Thanks Rui — that’s kind of you.
    When do you think the developer will be able to look at the problem? Also, is there a way for me to contact them?

    Very best,


    in reply to: load time: scripts and custom fonts #158398
    Post count: 27

    Hi Rui,

    No problem — although it’s beginning to be a real issue. If I can’t get it fixed soon I will have to abandon Cardinal which will be absolutely a disaster.

    I’ve screencast the problem here:

    As I said, extremely slow loading time and faulty menu. I’ve updated to latest version of the theme as well as WP and all plugins… I’m just not sure what the problem is…

    Thanks again,


    in reply to: load time: scripts and custom fonts #157450
    Post count: 27

    Hi Rui — can you advise on this, I am still having slow loading times and the menu problems outlined above?

    Many thanks,


    in reply to: load time: scripts and custom fonts #157267
    Post count: 27

    I deactivated all plugins, but it made no difference (although load time did drop to 6s).

    Re: menu — it is a jump link issue. If I write the menu link as if from the homepage (e.g. “#instagram”) it works from the homepage, but not from other pages (obvs). But if I use full URL (e.g. “”) it neither works from homepage nor any other page. I need to be able to link to jump links from other pages, and am not sure of the structure.

    I did some research and I believe this may be jQuery related and something to do with the Cardinal theme structure itself?



    in reply to: load time: scripts and custom fonts #157201
    Post count: 27

    There also seems to be a menu issue where the page fails to load, perhaps you could have a look: by going Menu and clicking any link.
    Thanks! J

    in reply to: load time: scripts and custom fonts #157191
    Post count: 27

    Hi Rui,

    I’m running SuperCache, although can switch to W3 if you think it better.
    I’ve implemented BWP Minify, but it seems to have increased load time to 21s and 2.1mb…. 75% of the load is still CSS/JS.



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