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  • in reply to: Directory (of brands) > Filter & pop-ups #216964
    Post count: 28

    Hi Rui,
    the image that you sent shows a chocolate maker where I put dummy text ‘11111’ into the main text field.
    Click, for example, on the pin of Duffy’s in the UK. There you see the SPB code and text that I used in the main text field.
    If you go backend to the Grenada chocolate factory you can see that the custom text marked 222222 doesn’t appear no where (33333 is the summary text on the ‘directory’ > list view). So, I still believe the Custom Excerpt text in ‘Directory Options’ should feature in the pop-up box.

    Regarding the ‘featured image’, which shows in the pop-up but also on top of the single view: could it be restricted to only show in the pop-up (and in the Listing view for that matter). Not in the single-view.

    Sorry, I hope I’m clear, and we are not talking about two different things…. 🙂

    in reply to: Directory (of brands) > Filter & pop-ups #216920
    Post count: 28

    Do you think this bug will be killed in the next update?

    in reply to: Product view > Design and layout issues #216594
    Post count: 28

    Thanks, Kyle, that works. Once we have our Graphic charter agreed I will adapt the color.

    (In the CSS box, I got some ‘warnings’ that some inputs are ‘overqualified’. But it works.)

    Thanks team!

    in reply to: Directory (of brands) > Filter & pop-ups #216368
    Post count: 28

    Hi David,
    it seems that the last update didn’t solve the issue.
    The text in the pop-up is now the one from the main text box.
    And unfortunately, nothing in the pop-up can be clicked.
    The image is the ‘featured image’ which is nice in principle, but displayed awfully prominent on the directory-single view…:-(

    I know there’s (apparently) a bigger bug, but all I’d like to have is the pop-up with only the clickable name 🙂

    in reply to: Product view > Design and layout issues #216361
    Post count: 28

    1) Clickable title: Thanks, I’ll check with your ‘customisation’ team
    2) Remove SKU: Thanks. Works well.
    3) Customise tabs: I’d like it to be more visible. The little ‘hook’ is not too clear. Is there a way to highlight the chosen tab. Like with the SPB element ‘Tour Section’?
    Otherwise, making the line thicker might help already.
    4) Rename tabs: works like a charm. Thanks.
    5) Ok.

    So, would be great if you have a solution on the the tabs ‘visibility’.


    in reply to: Directory (of brands) > Single view > some adjustments #212711
    Post count: 28

    Thanks Rui & David. It works.
    I kept the CSS code to suppress the ‘Like heart’.
    There is still a ‘divider bar’ lingering around, but it’s fine.
    I got more issues I will pest you with 😉
    Thanks, the page looks better and better each day.

    in reply to: Directory (of brands) > Single view > some adjustments #212434
    Post count: 28

    Sorry for being a pain: I have now a huge white space under the Social Share (last SPB item). And a divider line is still stuck there…

    Thank you.

    Suggestion: I believe a list of CSS solutions to the various issues on ‘Directory single view’ could be of interest to others as well. Perhaps such as list could be something for the knowledge base… Just sayin’

    in reply to: Directory (of brands) > Single view > some adjustments #212334
    Post count: 28

    Thanks, guys, you rock.
    And I found the option to ‘switch on’ SPB for ‘Directory’ and now I can insert what I want into the single directories.
    Thanks 🙂

    in reply to: Directory (of brands) > Single view > some adjustments #212328
    Post count: 28

    Thanks, that worked.

    But now I realise that the ‘Liking heart’ looks odd there. How can I add the reviewing option (form + reviews) to it.
    Or, alternatively, to make it go away.

    And the title ‘Location’ is lingering there 😉

    Sorry guys.

    in reply to: Directory (of brands) > Single view > some adjustments #212324
    Post count: 28

    Thanks, David, I usually don’t work with CSS (not qualified, and too afraid to screw things up).

    In ‘your’ Custom CSS field I get some exclamation marks/warning signs. I didn’t update yet. Shall I go on?

    My code:

    .filter-search-container {
    margin-top: -6px;
    .directory-item figure {
    width: 20%!important;
    .single-directory .author-info-wrap {
    display: none;
    .single-directory {
    max-width: 50%;
    margin: 0 auto 20px auto;
    .single-directory {
    max-width: 50%;
    margin: 0 auto 20px auto;

    in reply to: Directory (of brands) > Single view > some adjustments #212318
    Post count: 28

    Thanks David,

    I used the two CSS but nothing is happening. I’m using the ‘Custom CSS’ plugin. Shall I use the field ‘Custom CSS/JS’ under ‘Theme Options’? Or doesn’t it matter?

    To specify: I’m talking about the ‘single view’, after clicking the ‘read more’ button on the directory listing.

    Thanks for your help.


    in reply to: Shop > Hover over product > Categories, Buy & Wishlist button #210800
    Post count: 28

    Thanks, Mohammad. That worked well.
    I’ll be getting in touch with the Woocommerce team for the categories order.
    Have a great day.

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