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  • in reply to: Revolution slider Jquery error #34280
    Post count: 27


    Thanks for getting back to me again Ed.

    Yes I am sure I saved those settings. I have attached screenshots of the settings and of the persisting error.

    Also are you sure that it works always on the demo site? As I explained in my initial post, the bug happens only sometimes. Half the time it works, other times it doesn’t. Mostly when I go to another page, and then click on the menu to go to the homepage, then I get the error. Sometimes when I refresh the page, the error goes away. Other times, it doesn’t. So it is difficult to state exactly under which conditions the error can be replicated.

    Anyway, let me know if you need any other information, or if you want to log into my admin panel to take a look.

    I appreciate your help!

    in reply to: Revolution slider Jquery error #34254
    Post count: 27


    Hello Ed,

    Thanks for your response! I checked the global setting and they were different.

    I then changed them to match the settings in your screenshot, and updated the theme to the latest version. Lastly, I deleted the cache and checked to see if the problem was fixed.

    Unfortunately, the issue still persists 🙁

    It’s just the inclusion of this extra script tag that’s causing the issue.
    <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>

    but I can’t figure out which php file controls it, so that I can stop the tag from being included.

    On your demo site, you’ll notice the tag is absent.

    Let me know if you need any other info to help me resolve this.

    Thanks a lot!

    in reply to: Revolution slider Jquery error #33971
    Post count: 27

    Thanks a lot Melanie!

    Please do you know when I should expect a response from him?

    I need the site to go live in a few days, so it’s a bit of an emergency really…


    in reply to: Maintenance mode #33968
    Post count: 27

    Hello Igor.

    I managed to fix this issue, and here’s how I did it, just for the benefit of you and others that might want to do the same.

    The problem is that the theme overrides the wordpress config settings with a section in the theme functions.php file. Since it is not advisable to change functions.php directly, the following solution worked for me.

    • 1. Create a child theme including a blank functions.php file
    • 2. Create a blank maintenance.php file (containing the content you want to be displayed in maintenance mode)
    • 3. Upload all the assets required for displaying the maintenance page (e.g. images, css, etc) into your child theme directory
    • 4. Upload the maintenance.php file into the wp-content directory, ensuring that the links reference the correct assets folder in your theme directory, to pull in all the required images and css
    • 5. Copy the code below into the functions.php file in your child theme, and save it. (Or add it to your functions.php file if you already have an existing child theme with custom functions)
    • 6. Enable maintenance mode in the theme options, and delete cache to see the changes. (Note you will not see it if logged in as admin, so either log out first before previewing, or open your site in another browser where you are not logged in as admin)
    =================================================== */
    	function custom_maintenance_mode() {
    		$options = get_option('sf_neighborhood_options');
    		if (isset($options['enable_maintenance'])) {
    		$maintenance_mode = $options['enable_maintenance'];
    		} else {
    		$maintenance_mode = false;
    		if ($maintenance_mode) {
    		    if ( !current_user_can( 'edit_themes' ) || !is_user_logged_in() ) {
    		 	if ( file_exists( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/maintenance.php' ) ) {
    				require_once( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/maintenance.php' );
    	add_action('get_header', 'custom_maintenance_mode');

    I hope you find this helpful.

    Just reply if you have any issues, and will help if I can! 🙂

    in reply to: Facebook Sharing for Products ( No Pic ) #33140
    Post count: 27

    I am having the same issue.

    Just wondering, how did your developer get around the description issue?.. It’s really bugging me and I can’t understand why it’s a problem. Social media is key to the success of any e-store nowadays, so it’s weird to have a theme with a social media function that doesn’t work properly, not even in the site demos.

    Any help on how you resolved it would be greatly appreciated 🙂

    in reply to: Revolution slider Jquery error #33138
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