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I just removed all of the custom styles I have applied and added your css and it still didn’t adjust the gutters. The gutters are visible if I remove the border but they do not expand at all when you change padding value.
Do you have any suggestions on how to resolve?
Can you share your demo link? Then I can see what’s different.
I’ve add the css you shared but it didn’t change anything, you can see the page here:
I believe that the gutters need to be modified in the masonry/isotope settings. Can this be done in the Atelier theme files?
This reply has been marked as private.I’ve also added this to the javascript editor:
$('.blog-items').isotope({ masonry: { gutterWidth: 20 } });
To follow up on this, I noticed that there is a -15px margin that is being added to the gutters but when I overwrite those margins nothing changes.
Here is what I modified, located in sf-combined.min.css: { margin-left: -15px; margin-right: -15px; }
Awesome! Thanks for the help Mohammad!
This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.Thanks for the response Mohammad. I replaced my code with what you supplied and the output didn’t change. Here is what rendered:
<li itemscope="" itemtype="" style="opacity: 1; position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 15px; background: url(;" class="blog-item col-sm-4 uncategorized post-190 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized item-animated" id="190" data-date="1445876386">
I was expecting the complete thumbnail URL here:
background: url(;
What other things should I try here?
Thanks Mohammad, I found the section that I need to add to but what I’m adding doesn’t seem to be return the actual post thumbnail. Is there a function built into Atelier that I can call here?
Here is the snippet i’ve added:
style="background:url('.get_post_thumbnail_id( $post_id ).');"
Here the complete variable:
$blog_items_output .= '<li itemscope itemtype="" style="background:url('.get_post_thumbnail_id( $post_id ).');" class="blog-item ' . $item_class . ' ' . $term_slug . ' ' . implode( ' ', get_post_class() ) . '" id="' . get_the_ID() . '" data-date="' . get_the_time( 'U' ) . '">';
What I need to do in the end is set the post thumbnail as the background image for the blog_item.
Any thoughts here? Which file generates the layout for the masonry blog format?
NVM, I never set prices for the products. Resolved.