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  • in reply to: Home page heading issue on tablets #305869
    Post count: 9

    I can’t replicate it either. I’ve tried on other devices. That’s why I’m so confused. 🙂

    Thanks for that. I’ll give it a go with the new dimensions and test only in Chrome Dev Tools. 🙂

    in reply to: Home page heading issue on tablets #305856
    Post count: 9

    Yes I’m aware that’s not appropriate which is why I’m asking for the ideal dimensions before I go changing it.

    The screenshot was taken on a 2015 MacBook Pro 15″.

    I have tried several cross-browser and cross-device testing solutions including testing on actual devices and I just seem to be getting different results everywhere I look. 🙁

    Even separate from the logo, my heading is pushed into the menu on an iPad according to some of my testing, and some large devices are loading responsive versions of the site.

    If you can provide me with the ideal dimensions in pixels for the standard logo, I will create and add this. I will also update the retina logo with one which has twice the dpi, as in the above video your support colleague shared with me. At least then I can remove the “Logo Max Height” setting.

    Also, separate from this, if you could be so kind as to recommend the best way for me to test my site across different screens and platforms, I would be very grateful! 🙂 I just seem to be getting different results everywhere.

    e.g, according to screenfly, my site looks perfect on an iPad:

    but according to, the heading is pushed up into the menu! :|1024|768|1

    Thank you so much for your help. This has all gone way over my head, I’m not sure if I could sort it myself!


    in reply to: Home page heading issue on tablets #305849
    Post count: 9

    That would be great, thanks!

    in reply to: Home page heading issue on tablets #305829
    Post count: 9

    A couple of weeks ago (I was having an issue with how my logo looked on a TV) you said my standard logo should be 300dpi, so that’s what I did. It did help.

    Given that my Retina logo is the same as the standard, that means it is also 300 dpi, which makes me think this is not the issue.

    As my logo is so large, (It’s like 2400px wide or something) I had to set “Logo Max Height” to 100.. which worked to make it the right size on standard.

    I’m thinking on Retina because the width is quite large but height is also 100 (from “Logo Max Height”)…this is why it is appearing so stretched.

    So I think the best way to fix this would be to not have to use the “Logo Max Height” setting, but to do this would mean having to upload new logos of the correct (and most suited for this theme) dimensions. This is why I asked you for the ideal dimesnions.

    If you don’t know that’s fine, I’m sure trial and error will help me figure them out.

    Or am I completely wrong in my whole understanding of this? Sorry if I am…:)

    in reply to: Home page heading issue on tablets #305819
    Post count: 9

    Hi again,

    I’m still testing my site on different browsers etc.

    I’ve just discovered this issue on a retina screen. (Attached screenshot)

    Could you possibly give me the optimal settings for the logo, both standard and retina?

    Size in px, dpi, Logo Max Height & Logo Top/Bottom Padding option in theme options. Currently, I had to set these two options in the settings as my logo was too big and this brought it back down but now I think it’s causing an issue with retina.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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    in reply to: Home page heading issue on tablets #305597
    Post count: 9

    Thanks for your help. I just had to make the blank spacer visible globally. 🙂


    in reply to: Menu overlapping issue on one page. #303684
    Post count: 9

    Perfect, thank you so much!

    in reply to: Logo Quality #301372
    Post count: 9

    No, to be honest I haven’t even tested it on a retina screen yet.

    I had a look it the site on a TV. It was abouut 40″ or so. Everything looked fine except the logo. The quality was very poor.

    in reply to: Demo import looks odd. #296065
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