Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: CSS Bug when using product image magnify #68312
    Post count: 17

    Hi Mohammad,

    That’ll have to wait a few days then, running it locally on my machine right now. 🙂 Shall I send a (private) reply to this topic as soon I have it online?

    in reply to: CSS Bug when using product image magnify #68297
    Post count: 17


    Sadly it doesn’t apppear to work (in Google Chrome on Mac OS X).

    Are there any other solutions?

    Post count: 17

    Hi Kyle,

    1) Even if I hire someone to customize the php files?

    2) Thanks!

    3) Duh! Sorry coulda found that myself 🙂

    in reply to: Two FAQ questions #67942
    Post count: 17

    Found it: Mailchimp Plugin

    MailChimp List Subscribe Form

    Strange, would never have suspected this plugin…

    in reply to: Two FAQ questions #67941
    Post count: 17

    Disabled them both, no luck 🙁

    Guess I’ll have to try disabling all plugins one by one??

    in reply to: Two FAQ questions #67935
    Post count: 17

    Ah 🙂 Double bummer for me!

    I have two content plugins running now to test, do you know which one is the culprit:

    – Global Content Blocks
    – iSoftware Content Blocks


    in reply to: Two FAQ questions #67930
    Post count: 17

    Hi Kyle,

    This is a FAQ built from the Swift Page builder, not yet from a content block…

    in reply to: Two FAQ questions #67922
    Post count: 17

    Hi Kyle,

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    1) Please do so. That would be great!

    2) That’s a bit of a bummer. I’m trying to work around it now with a “Content Blocks” plugin. But I already get a broken accordeon when I’m just testing in a blank page. It seems it’s not ‘listening’ to the CSS or something. See screenshot. Could you tell me what I’m doing wrong?


    in reply to: Sidebar breaks twitter element #58925
    Post count: 17

    Hi Kyle,

    Thanks for the super fast reply. That’s a bummer. Perhaps an idea to make their width responsive to sidebars?

    in reply to: Color Customizer doesn't work #53294
    Post count: 17

    Perhaps it broke because it loaded a 1.0 version of the css because the Child theme was defined as 1.0?

    in reply to: Color Customizer doesn't work #53293
    Post count: 17

    Hi Ed,

    Me again. Ok so I updated to 1.66. I changed the CSS in the Child Theme from version 1.0 to 1.66.

    I activated the ‘mother’ theme. Adjusted some stuff in customizer and it worked. Changed back to default settings. Reactivated child theme and now everything works like a charm.

    Beats me…

    in reply to: Color Customizer doesn't work #53292
    Post count: 17

    Hi Ed,

    Thanks for the quick reply. Things just got stranger. When I save the settings in the customizer it now saves the settings, but they don’t show in the actual page (after a refresh).

    Perhaps something to do with the fact that I’m using the child theme and it saves to the original or something like that? No errors pop up in the console in Chrome…

    in reply to: Color Customizer doesn't work #53127
    Post count: 17

    Hi there,

    I’m having a similar problem. Running my site locally on MAMP (Pro). I increased PHP Memory limit to 96M and it also shows like that in the system status report.

    However sadly no changes made in the color customizer are saved…

    Only plugins activated are the ones that came bundled with the Theme. Except for the Prev and Next Taxonomy plugin as it gave an error installing (invalid URL).

    Any idea’s as to how to fix this?

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