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Posted in: We hit Power Elite.
I have checked a few times since receiving this post, I haven’t seen it down. Maybe it was down the time you checked, as far as I can see, it is up now.
I just checked on mobile again and the menu is still not working. Please advise.
Ok, these fixes all worked, thanks for that! One last issue now is that the mobile nav is no longer working. The page links turn red (as if they were working) but nothing loads from the homepage. We cannot navigate to any other pages on mobile devices unless we manually type in the page extension. We have tried on 3 different smart phones in the office.
Please advise, thanks.
I deactivated and then activated all of the plugins and we are still experiencing all of the issues.
Here is a list of them:
• Mobile version; Contact page is not loading the content. reference:• Mobile version; “contact us on 0800 123 4567 or [email protected]” is showing up on the top of the screen. How can we replace with client info? Also, “Premium WordPress Themes by swift ideas” is on the footer, we need to delete that.
• The video stretching is still an issue. and
Please advise on fixes. Thanks!
Also, on the mobile version, the contact page is not working. We do not get a 404 error, but the page just does not load the content.
Hi Kyle,
The homepage has this video issue and so does the page issue I just realized is that on the mobile version, the “contact us on 0800 123 4567 or [email protected]” is present. How can I replace it with my own info? As well as the mobile footer “Premium wordpress themes by swift ideas” (only on the mobile version.)
Posted in: We hit Power Elite.