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  • in reply to: Social implementation is running out of window #287807
    Post count: 60

    sorry, please try again, it‘s working now.

    Besides that problem, InstaLink Lite and The theme do seem to have problems.
    When i am activating that plugin, the website disappears on the front end.
    Is the plugin off, everything is there but my Instagram implementation is missing.

    For the first 2 weeks it was fine, now it is causing problems. whats the reason for that?
    Maybe that is a question, where there could be a connection…


    Post count: 60

    Hey guys,
    the problem is the InstaLink Lite plugin, right?

    I have justed realized, that my instagram implementation is not there anymore.
    but i need to have it in this way and for 2 week, this haven‘t caused any trouble…

    When the plugin is active, nearly everything on the front end is gone,
    when it‘s off, everything is fine, except of the missing instagram link.

    How can we solve this?


    Post count: 60

    good job.

    Post count: 60

    many thanks!!!

    Post count: 60

    ok, perfect. What was the reason for that?

    But the menu is still underlined when active.
    I‘d like to have it only in the blue, like when hovering.

    Can you please doublecheck?

    Many Thanks,

    in reply to: Smooth scroll not stopping exactly #287727
    Post count: 60

    now, we seem to have the same issue again. i am finalizing the website for mobile application and therefore i have rows for desktop and rows for mobile applications.
    To have a working menu on my one pager, the rows seem to have the same ID‘s, right? so what is causinf this issue right now?

    many thanks,

    Post count: 60

    Ok, but somehow it‘s getting worse, but just with one headline…

    on the desktop version, everything looks fine, except of the headline “unsere veranstaltungen” It‘s not placed really centered. it has around 430 pixel to the left border, but only around 400 to the right.

    on the ipad landscape format it‘s not only not centered on the website, but also not centered itself. What is the problem with this one headline? all the other ones look normal (like “Über twinkle”). I don‘t understand it…
    And the blank spacers around the headline on the slider aren‘t visible.

    on the ipad portrait, its only this headline, where the spacing is bigger to the right, than to the left.

    on iphone (landscape and Portrait) it seems to be ok with the centered point. but the blank spacers around the headline on the slider for example isn‘t placed in the center concerning the height. some blank spacers that i defined being visible on phone are not shown anymore.

    how can we solve that?

    This site needs to get online as soon as possible, and i want the client to be happy…

    Please help out…

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    Post count: 60

    as the client wants to have it very straight in all views, i have changed the layout, so that all images are the same size. thats the easiest way. But anyway good to know for the next time.

    Many thanks

    Post count: 60

    that‘s a problem, that occurred yesterday evening. i have posted it already in another topic here in the support area.
    everything is visible in the swift page builder, but not in the front end. and i don‘t know, what happened here…

    Please, you friendly and magic guys 😉
    help out with that…

    and besides with the underlined problem !


    in reply to: Smooth scroll not stopping exactly #287530
    Post count: 60

    it seems to work now. but how could this happen with doubled row names? i have duplicated a row, to define visual for desktop and visuals for tablet and iphone… hmm

    Post count: 60

    i have overseen something.
    Like that the headlines are again strange, and free spacing of blank spacers are not visible anymore, for example on landscape format of ipad.

    What else can we try, please? I have a deadline to meet 🙁

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    Post count: 60

    ok, thanks for that.
    and is it possible to define a second size for tablet? so from 450 till max width of 768 (portrait format)?
    cause here the headline still look too big, but as small as on phone wouldn‘t make sense…

    please check out the screenshot as well. Thanks

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    in reply to: Social implementation is running out of window #287519
    Post count: 60

    and it‘s also cut off in the desktop view…

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    in reply to: Social implementation is running out of window #287514
    Post count: 60

    Unfortunately not.
    Please check out the screenshots. on a iphone it would be working, on a tablet in portrait it‘s cutting of a part…

    Is there another possibility to solve this or to implement this kind of social linking without using iframes but using this imagery kind ot style?


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    Post count: 60

    perfect. thanks

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