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  • deanjohn
    Post count: 93

    Hi Mohammad,

    I have not long purchased your theme (about a week ago) and I have the same problem. I have followed all the documentation and set the woocommerce dimensions. It does not display like your Neighborhood demo.

    I have checked the file and the code you mentioned is already in there., you must of had this in your latest version.

    Please see below, I have spent days and trying to find a fix. Thank you.


    The code already has the fix below:

    productSetup: function() {
    jQuery(‘ul.products’).each(function() {

    var products = jQuery(this);

    products.imagesLoaded(function() {

    setTimeout(function() {
    var product = products.find(‘li.type-product’).first();
    var productImageHeight = product.find(‘.product-image > img’).height();
    if (jQuery(‘#container’).width() <= 1024 && product.find(‘figure > figcaption’).is(“:visible”)) {
    productImageHeight = productImageHeight + 20;
    if (!productImageHeight || productImageHeight == 0) {
    productImageHeight = 270;
    products.find(‘li.type-product’).each(function() {
    jQuery(this).find(‘figure’).css(‘padding-bottom’, productImageHeight + ‘px’);
    }, 300);

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Viewing 91 post (of 91 total)