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  • CurtisLea
    Post count: 33

    Is once a person?

    Post count: 33

    Yeah I’d try that if I had any idea of what you just said.

    I’ve tried to figure out the css code and how to implement it. It’s not happening. I need a little more help than that.

    in reply to: Revolution Slider Firefox Display Issue(s) #165756
    Post count: 33

    and now that I’ve gathered all the evidence and posted the questions above, the issue has magically resolved itself.

    FML! That was a wasted afternoon chasing a ghost.

    I’ve removed your user from the site so you won’t be able to login. Consider the issue resolved (somehow?!?).

    in reply to: Revolution Slider Firefox Display Issue(s) #165751
    Post count: 33

    Now the way in which the previews are displaying incorrectly isn’t limited to just the revolution slider. It also appears to be an issue with the punchfonts plugin import window as well as the slider import window for revslider. You can see how it forces everything to the right and cuts off the information inside the window in the following screenshots: Firefox-add-font-display-issue.jpg & Firefox-import-slider-display-issue.jpg

    I wanted to try and change and then resave one of the slider layer styles, but the screenshot “Firefox-Edit-layer-style-issue.jpg” will show how this is pretty much impossible. Although I did do it with Chrome and it had no effect on the firefox display issue

    So far in my attempts to fix this:
    I’ve removed and reinstalled the revolution slider and exported and imported all the slides.
    I’ve also changed from one theme to another and then back to the Dante Child Theme.
    I’ve restarted both firefox and my OS
    I have edited and resaved sliders and individual slides
    I have turned off all plugins not related to the theme.
    Logged in and out of the admin section numerous times.

    So I’m stumped. I’ve never seen an issue like this that affects both the frontend and the backend only in one specific browser. All the others browsers seem to be displaying it all correctly.

    I have created an admin account you can log into to see if you can duplicate the issue at your end. I’m using OSX 10.9.5.

    The only thing that I can think of that may have had an impact was trying to install a woocommerce extension named “GWP-Custom-Product-Tabs” from

    It wasn’t until I removed the plugin and it’s related files that the issue occurred.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: Main Menu Text Color Once Selected #164892
    Post count: 33

    This would still seem to be an issue in the most current version.

    However Rui’s reply above does provide a fix to this deficiency:

    in reply to: Remove space below header #161205
    Post count: 33

    Have you not read the previous posts?

    Are you just screwing with me at this point or is this the level of service I’m to expect from your support system?

    Just in case it’s not PERFECTLY CLEAR yet.

    Click here:

    Then use the username: guest

    and then the password: guest

    Once you reach the destination, in the top left hand corner click on the words “FDI Forearm Crutches” and select “visit site”.

    in reply to: Remove space below header #161170
    Post count: 33

    With the same login/pass info you used the last time from the previous post I made in this thread.

    “The site I’m dealing with is:

    You’ll need to login in as guest/guest to be able to view it. I’ve got it locked behind a maintenance page.”

    in reply to: Remove space below header #160747
    Post count: 33

    No it’s still there. I cleared my cache and I still see it, so does my client. In numerous browsers and operating systems. Here’s a screen cap of what I’m seeing and what I want it to be like. There is clearly some sort of gap either below the header or above the slider that creates this extra space and throws off the balance of the layout.

    It only appears to be on the home page and while it does disappear as you begin to scroll down the page, on the initial load it’s off and your sample site it is not. It loads the menu and logo centered and properly balanced.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: Remove space below header #160460
    Post count: 33

    I know one way to remove part of it is to turn off the shadow in the header options but it won’t remove it all.

    I too would like to know how to fix this issue. The sample site doesn’t seem to have it there so it’s kind of odd that it’s there.

    The site I’m dealing with is:

    You’ll need to login in as guest/guest to be able to view it. I’ve got it locked behind a maintenance page.

    in reply to: Updating revolution slider plug in manually #160095
    Post count: 33

    Derp! Nevermind with the answer. I found the little button marked manual update at the bottom right of the plug-in window. Couldn’t have been easier, sorry to be a bother.

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