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  • CurtisLea
    Post count: 33

    I’ve attached a text file with the following contents,


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    Post count: 33

    I have had to create a duplicate site as the current site is live and ecommerce. The debug breaks the woocommerce functions on the current site.

    I have tried it with all the plugins off and the same issue still occurs. I have activated the debug command in the wp-config file.

    Anything we do to fix this should be able to fix the other install of the theme as this instance has all the same exact problems as the other one does.

    The new site with the exact same issues is now here:

    Same login and password as previous.

    You can also use the same login and pass to access the hosting account for this version in case you need deeper access.

    You can log into the hosting subscription here:

    Post count: 33

    Yeah, the bullets are not what I was after. Where are the navigation arrows/buttons on the side of the slider that were there before?

    I’ve checked the settings and they should be appearing, but they’re not. I’m not crazy about the bullets design wise, which is why they were disabled before. I’m not a fan of having them in the middle of the content. They’re distracting and they were disabled on purpose at the request of my client.

    So can you get the side navigation buttons/arrows to appear or are you having the same problem I am with them?

    Post count: 33

    Yeah, I’ve deactivated all the plug-ins that didn’t come with the theme and the problem is still there.

    Post count: 33

    Yes, yes I am. 4.6.93 and the very latest version of the theme and wordpress.

    And I have turned off all the other plugins that didn’t come with the theme and the nav buttons are still not there.

    The software is all up to date and it’s not a plugin conflict.

    Post count: 33

    Is there a version # associated with this build so I can keep my copies organized at this end?

    Post count: 33

    If there’s any doubt in your mind. These are fresh installs on the same server.

    I only loaded the revolution slider plugin and the theme file to each example. Nothing else. The divi version works on my iPhone and the dante version does not. Same goes for my clients blackberry.

    Post count: 33
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    Post count: 33

    Have you tested the issue on a mobile device? I know they work fine on a desktop, but they don’t work on mobile devices. Not the full slide links, not the button links, not any other sort of embedded link will work, except the video links. Those work for some reason, while the others don’t.

    Checkout on a phone or tablet and see if the top slider link works. It doesn’t work on my iPhone, nor my iPad, nor my client’s blackberry, his wife’s S5 or their android tablets. Sure it works on desktops, but I purchased this theme for the mobile features and they’re just not working.

    As for the plugins I have only got the ones activated that came with your theme and if I turn off the supplied plugins that came with your theme, the theme tells me they should be reactivated.

    Post count: 33

    OK this is getting ridiculous. It’s been a week trying to get a useful response.

    5 star support system…. my ass.

    Your theme is broken and will not allow my rev slider links to work on mobile devices.

    Mobile Ready…. yeah right.

    Check out the main slider on the top of the home page here ( on a mobile device and see if the links work for you, because they don’t for me and they don’t for my client or anybody else that I’ve had try it. The first three slides should all go to their respective product pages.

    Now try them on a mobile device here:

    See how they work if I don’t use your theme?

    So there’s no bloody way you tell me that this is some sort of an issue with the revolution slider, because I’ve been through their support while waiting for a response here and the first thing they did was have me create the example above to prove it wasn’t their product.

    This post was to try and find a work around to be able to use the styling I wanted but is broken when I use the tools in your theme and supplied plug-ins. Since I know it’s not the plug-in, it has to be your theme.

    You guys have left me here with finished site that I’ll have to toss out and rebuild with another theme that actually works if you can’t help me sort out the issues within your theme.

    I’m seriously unimpressed by this horrendous support for an obvious problem. Not only have you ignored the underlying condition that has me searching for a work around, but you can provide no assistance to help me create a simple work around either. This would indicate that you’re either unqualified to help, or indifferent to it. In either case I guess I wind up the loser having spent both the cash on your product and the time spent developing the site in the hope that your support system would be able to help me work through any issues that arose.

    I am using the latest versions of both the theme and the plug-in and I know my server settings are not the culprit either as I use the same LAMP stack on both examples.

    Post count: 33

    Hello? Is there anybody out there in support land?

    Post count: 33

    Is there any chance I might get a reply to this?

    Post count: 33


    It would work if you removed the button from the image and added an actual button to the slide

    – Kyle

    You’d think that would be the case wouldn’t you? Except that the links embedded in the rev slider. Even the one used on this example page. That works in a desktop browser, don’t work on mobile devices. If you checked, you’d see that while the entire image had been marked as a link that works in a desktop browser, it does not work on iPhones, Blackberries, android phones, iPads or android tablets. So anything mobile, thus my problem and my reason for asking for your assistance.

    The image links don’t work, the buttons don’t work. The only thing that I’ve found works for mobile links in a rev slider are when it links to videos. For some reason, those work.

    So is there any chance you might actually be able to help me with this? Because that suggestion had been tried long ago. Also the button sizes were all over the place in different browsers and platforms. They looked like crap and I couldn’t use them as you’ve implemented them just from a design standpoint. Even if the links worked on mobile devices.

    Post count: 33
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    Post count: 33

    Have you read the thread?

    Here, let me break it down for you. I asked a question in the first post. It was very detailed and easy to understand.

    Then Mohammad replied:

    Please contact once at woocommerce support about it.

    and then I asked: “Is once a person”.

    Then you have come along and can’t understand what’s going on. Which is fine because at least I then have some company in that department. Since “once” would be a very strange name I’ve never seen anybody have before, combined with the lack of capitalization of the first letter leaves me wondering if it’s a name or he’s telling me to only contact them a single time like the word once might indicate.

    So I’ll ask you the same thing I asked Mohammad, is “once” a person I need to contact at woocommerce support?

    Is that now clear enough to understand? Do you folks not read the threads you’re replying to? Because this seems like a needless amount of explanation for what was a very simple question about Mohammad’s response to me.

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