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  • in reply to: Transparent menu items #276487
    Post count: 47

    Checked in IE and Chrome. On 2 computers. With clear cache. Same issue everywhere. Pls advise.

    Post count: 47

    I have the same problem as the opener mentioned in point 1.

    On mobile menu, once a sub-menu is opened and clicked, clicking the sub-menu again to close it doesn’t work. It reloads the corresponding sub-category itself. In other word’s, there is no option to simply check the sub-menus of a menu, as you can’t make the step back. I think this is highly annoying for potential buyers. Would appreciate a quick fix.

    in reply to: Several issues with checkout page #270588
    Post count: 47

    About the shaking cart button I can now provide more info: it shakes when the product has no variables, i.e. no sizes, colors etc. It doesn’t shake, but reload when you need to choose your variable from the drop-down list.

    With this further info, can you please fix it so it will shake and not reload for variable products as well?


    in reply to: Several issues with checkout page #268878
    Post count: 47

    Also, the page still reloads when an item is added to the cart, instead of the shaking. So what I need your help with:

    1. The “Ship to different address” option is ticked by default. I want it to be unticked by default. How can I set that?
    2. Doesn’t matter what computer I use, even if I am logged out, upon checkout Hungary is set by default as the shipping country. How can I change this? I don’t want any preset countries to be there.
    3. When I add an item to the cart, the page reloads, instead of the cart icon shaking. Ajax is enabled. Can you please login and have a look for me? Login details are provided above.


    in reply to: Several issues with checkout page #268875
    Post count: 47

    Hi Mohammad,

    Thanks, I managed to fix most of the issues. Some still remain, though:

    1. The “Ship to different address” option is ticked by default. I want it to be unticked by default. How can I set that?
    2. Doesn’t matter what computer do I use, even if I am logged out, upon checkout Hungary is set by default as the shipping country? How can I change this? I don’t want any preset countries to be there.



    in reply to: Several issues with checkout page #268005
    Post count: 47

    Hi Mohammad,

    The Ajax is enabled, but the page still reloads. Also, can you please help with these as well:

    2. The “Have a coupon? Click here to enter your code.” feature doesn’t work. It simply doesn’t do anything. How can I fix it?

    3. Same issue with “Returning customer? Click here to login” button, it doesn’t lead anywhere.

    4. The “Ship to different address” option should open when I tick the box, instead, it’s always there and the ticking doesn’t make any difference. How can I fix it?

    5. How can I make certain fields required, the others optional? For example I don’t want the Company Name field to be compulsory.



    in reply to: Several issues with checkout page #267913
    Post count: 47


    Solved #1 – Had to disable minimal checkout mode in Theme Settings.

    New question: When adding a product to the cart, the whole page reloads instead of keeping the page and the cart sign shaking. How can I stop the reloading?

    in reply to: Several issues with checkout page #267907
    Post count: 47
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    in reply to: Pages in Dashboard doesn't load #246581
    Post count: 47
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    in reply to: Pages in Dashboard doesn't load #237834
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    in reply to: http error on file upload #233778
    Post count: 47

    Any chance this can work on MediaTemple as well? I am getting the same error many-many times.

    in reply to: Swift Slider can't add Background since Theme Update #231483
    Post count: 47

    OK, I tested with all plugins, realized it was the Yoast SEO plugin causing the issue. Once disabled, worked fine.

    I have updated the Yoast plugin to the latest version, all works fine now.

    Guys, can you check if it’s the same for you?


    in reply to: Convoy Contact Page #231234
    Post count: 47

    Thanks. Two more questions.

    1. How do I remove the page title?
    2. How can I make the Customer Care Policy section start right below the Social and E-mail columns? Currently it starts where the Contact us form ends. See here:


    in reply to: Convoy Contact Page #231085
    Post count: 47

    Thanks. How did you put that two pictures in there at the top?

    in reply to: Swift Slider can't add Background since Theme Update #231073
    Post count: 47

    All done, nothing helped. Please advise. As you can see, this is not an isolated issue, others are having it as well.

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