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  • in reply to: Wish I Could Have Done It…. #255701
    Post count: 6

    Nope, did not help, so sorry, I really am. I’m including a screen-shot of the step you told me to take, which I did. But HOW I should change the order of these menus?? I have no idea. How is one to know?

    This does not seem intuitive.

    Are there instructional videos somewhere??



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    in reply to: Wish I Could Have Done It…. #254832
    Post count: 6

    Also, there seems now to be a menu super-immposed over the main page (again, please see that I cannot get rid of. I’ve deleted every menu that says “overlay” from the options, but it remains….

    Thanks for all your help, in advance!


    in reply to: Wish I Could Have Done It…. #254809
    Post count: 6

    Hi David,

    OK, here is my biggest problem. I am used to a wysiwyg editor using HTML. With WordPress, no gots!!

    What I need to be able to do is to access the CONTENT that’s already showing up on my website, i.e., I’ve managed to import a demo with it’s theme, widgets and content, so that all now appears at my home URL (please see The prob is, I cannot FIND that content from my Page Builder in order to change it.
    You say, just open the page editor and click on the pencil symbol, etc. etc., but when I do that, the EXISTING content does not show up. The only thing that opens are a bunch of FORMS that ask me stuff like:
    background color:
    font style:
    footer layout:
    … and on and on,… so I have no clue as to how to edit the EXISTING content that I want to change.

    For ex., let’s say, I don’t want to change the font, the layout, or anything else about the template I’m using. Let’s say I just want to swap their picture (the one from the downloaded template) for mine. If I could find their photo, it would be easy-peasy, but the editor only gives me more damned forms to fill in (or switch a function “on”/”off”).

    Enclosing a screen shot – sorta silly, since there’s no info in it to show you, since, as I say, it contains nothing to “edit”. Again, I ask, how do I access the template and its contents??

    Thanks, Lyn

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    in reply to: Wish I Could Have Done It…. #251041
    Post count: 6

    Screen shot attached…. Thanks! Lyn

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    in reply to: Wish I Could Have Done It…. #251025
    Post count: 6

    Thanks, David.

    But how do I edit the themes I imported? I seem to have not only the template, but also the content!

    If you go to my home page (, you’ll see that the Atelier demo is inserted there, and I have no way of accessing it in my dashboard. When I open that page, I cannot edit the text or change the images. In fact, that demo doesn’t even show in the editor… can’t find it.


    in reply to: Wish I Could Have Done It…. #248093
    Post count: 6

    Hi David,

    Sorry about the hissy fit,… but my frustration level is through the roof. I have followed just about every step at in orderly fashion. I haven’t completed all the menu choices yet,… was hoping I could do that over time, as my retail site is quite large.

    Here’s a small example of what I mean by “frustrating”: When I downloaded a “template”, I thought that literally meant what it says, a TEMPLATE into which one may simply insert ones own content, if that’s what one chooses. Tables, rows, columns, header & footer positions,… all that is already pre-designed. So I clicked on the “import” button for a template called “Tilt” (which, BTW, “import” gives you no file path, so you cannot find it afterwards to upload it to your admin dashboard… and when I clicked on the “upload” button, instead of being given the exact file I had just downloaded, it opened my images file in my computer’s hard drive – NOT my WordPress dashboard. Wacky. I finally found the template file by searching around in cPanel, but then couldn’t figure out how to get that over to my WordPress dashb’d.

    To This day, I do not know how to access the Atelier demo’s. They’re sitting there – I can see em. God only know how to useem!

    I am not creating a blog. I’m creating a retail store. Who knows what is the difference between a “blog post”, a “page”, and a “post”. And what is a “carousel option” for a “recent post”? I see you have displayed the OPTION choice, but I have no clue what that option would actually look like on a live page.

    Then, certain of the instructions say things like: “… then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file.” I’m so sorry, David, but I have no clue how to do this either.

    …But I did Google css coding, and I AM willing to TRY. If you think you can help an old gal who is not a techie, I’m soooo willing to learn. Just please do not assume I understand any tech-speak. I pretty much don’t. I do understand English.

    Thanks, in advance, for your patience.


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