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  • in reply to: How to auto-center all images in posts? #196478
    Post count: 25

    Okay. Thanks.

    in reply to: Make mobile menu sticky? #194586
    Post count: 25

    Understood. Thanks.

    in reply to: Unordered List bullets not appearing #119733
    Post count: 25

    That did add the bullets to the page I linked to, but I now have unwanted bullets on
    Haven’t found any other unwanted bullets, but haven’t gone through all pages yet. I’ll let you know if I find others.

    in reply to: Unordered List bullets not appearing #118669
    Post count: 25

    I’m having this same issue with the Cardinal theme. This is the page:

    in reply to: Logo size Header 5 #113856
    Post count: 25

    Hi Kyle,

    Thanks for the offer. My client decided to switch the layout a bit and is happy with how it looks without that image, and are happy with their site layout. So for the time being, no change is needed. I’ll let you know if anything changes.

    in reply to: Featured image double on product page #94824
    Post count: 25

    Thanks Mohammad, that worked and the desktop site is looking great 🙂
    Do you know of a solution for applying that type of adjustment across devices (i.e. in a responsive scenario)?

    in reply to: Featured image double on product page #94502
    Post count: 25

    Thanks Mohammad. I tried that code, and unfortunately it didn’t work properly. I also used Chrome Developer tools via “inspect element” to try and apply the same code to other classes, and it moved the second image down appropriately, but the shadow remained at the bottom of the 270px height…so not quite right. Anything else I could try?
    Thanks a lot for your help.

    in reply to: Featured image double on product page #94149
    Post count: 25

    Mohammed – thanks for the code. That seems to have helped stop the second image from showing…but when I “inspect element”, the dimensions list the full height…will this cause a problem with slow page load since the images are bigger, though not shown?

    Also – how can I do the same for the smaller images in the “Related Products” section? (ie:

    Still working through the other issues…

    in reply to: Featured image double on product page #90975
    Post count: 25

    One other thing I’ve noticed, related to all this, is that many of the images seem to initially load “double”, but when the page fully loads, they are fixed. (You can see it when you first load the products page:
    Can I fix that?

    in reply to: Featured image double on product page #90974
    Post count: 25

    Hi Ed. Thanks for your response.

    I’m still working to resolve this – and I’m still a bit confused.

    Take this product, for example:

    Listed here:

    The dimensions of the image are 864 × 864. I used to have my Woocommerce settings as what I listed previously, so I just barely changed them to:

    Catalog Images 540 × 540 px Hard Crop? [ ]
    Single Product Image 540 × 540 px Hard Crop? [ ]
    Product Thumbnails 270 × 270 px Hard Crop? [ ])

    (changed the heights and removed “hard crop”. Yet the image still appears stacked…

    Yet, the same thing doesn’t happen to the images on page 1 of the product page…

    I’ve regenerated the images for the “fam104-numbers” product, but the thumbnail is still the same (I don’t think I need to regenerate *all* thumbnails to test in this case…but perhaps I do?)

    Anyways, still struggling to figure out how to resolve this. Any help or ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks

    in reply to: Logo size Header 5 #82434
    Post count: 25

    Hi Ed,

    No, I haven’t been able to get the image inserted like I want. See the screnshot compared to the current page…its missing the row of dots directly below the nav menu.

    As for the header code – thanks for the direction. I should have realized it was the “else” section! I’ve gone in and made the change and it worked nicely.

    in reply to: Toggles Not Working #79089
    Post count: 25

    I’ve moved the site to a production domain:

    I’ve updated to the most recent version of the theme (1.73), and it seemed to *partially* fix the problem…the toggle is now working, but it doesn’t clearly “look” like a toggle…for example, when hovering, my pointer changes to a cursor.

    Anyways, it seems like its almost there. Do you still need login details? Or is there something I can do?

    in reply to: Responsive menu not working #79084
    Post count: 25

    The responsive menu seems to be working now after the update. Thanks!

    in reply to: Toggles Not Working #75695
    Post count: 25

    Hmm, I’ve cleared the cache and hard refreshed, and still seeing the same thing. You sure you are looking at the toggles, not the “accordion”? There are two different elements I’m testing:
    *accordion: the two columns under 2013 and 2014, which are working.
    *toggle: the text below, starting with the words “toggle title”
    (see screenshot)
    The “accordion” and the “toggle” are two separate items/options in the page builder. The accordion seems to be working, but the toggle does not (it just yields the text you see in the screenshot)

    in reply to: Responsive menu not working #75693
    Post count: 25

    Ok. I’ve emailed Ed. I am launching the site today and many users will need to access on mobile or tablet, so I’ll need that functionality.

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