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  • in reply to: Cart Overlay Buttons #284391
    Post count: 50

    Thank you, Mohammad.

    Unfortunately, that hasn’t resolved the issues I’m having. I removed the two snippets of code that I mentioned in my first message, and added the code you provided.

    1. The cart overlay still appears over too much area of the product photos on smaller screens.

    2. On larger screens when the cart does not appear, someone can still accidentally click in that area and add a product to the cart without meaning to.

    Is there a way to get rid of the cart overlay buttons completely, and only use the add to cart button below the product? Is there a setting in the theme settings that allows me to turn it off, or any css code you can provide?

    Thank you for your help.

    in reply to: Wishlist Button Text on Mobile Not Visible #284063
    Post count: 50

    That worked! Thanks for your help!

    in reply to: Add to Wishlist Text In Odd Spot Below Icon on Mobile #283783
    Post count: 50

    Please disregard this. I believe I had some contradicting css causing the issue, and I don’t seem to be having the issue any longer.


    in reply to: Wishlist Button Text on Mobile Not Visible #283490
    Post count: 50

    Thank you. That fixed the issue with the Wishlist Button, but I appear to be having the same issue now with the View Cart button in the mobile menu. I’ve attached a screenshot of the issue.

    I appreciate your help.

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    in reply to: Add to Wishlist Text In Odd Spot Below Icon on Mobile #283487
    Post count: 50

    Thank you for your help. It looks like that partially worked, however the text still shows up when I turn my phone in landscape position, or when I view the site on a tablet. I’ve attached screenshots.

    Thank you very much.

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    in reply to: Product Reviews Position and Review Stars Position #270524
    Post count: 50

    That worked! Thank you very much for all your help!

    in reply to: Categories Not Sorting Correctly in Product Widget #270521
    Post count: 50

    Just checked and the settings are currently set like that.

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    in reply to: Product Reviews Position and Review Stars Position #270519
    Post count: 50

    Hi, Kyle.

    I removed all the coding related to the stars and double checked if there were originally stars under the related products, and it actually looks like they weren’t there before. Sorry about that. However, I did notice that the stars on the product catalog page used to have red text to the right that shows the number of reviews. I’ve attached a screenshot. Is there a way to bring the number of reviews back on the products catalog page?

    Thank you.

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    in reply to: Product Reviews Position and Review Stars Position #270508
    Post count: 50

    Thank you. That solved most of the issues. The related products at the bottom of the product page are still missing their stars. How do I bring those back? Thanks!

    in reply to: Categories Not Sorting Correctly in Product Widget #270506
    Post count: 50

    That option isn’t working, either. It’s always descending regardless of which I choose. But there’s an option right above that says Order By. I’ve attached a screenshot. I wanted them displayed in a certain order, so I wanted to select ID from the Order by box, so that I can set the ID’s in the order I’d like them, and set it to ascending.

    Thank you for your help.

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    in reply to: Product Reviews Position and Review Stars Position #269825
    Post count: 50

    Thank you for your help.

    1) My concern is that on the mobile layout the reviews tab hangs off to the right, and people will not know to scroll over to find the reviews tab.(Screenshot attached.) If I can’t have the reviews open at the bottom is there an easy way to remove the Additional Information tab or to move it to the end so that the Reviews tab is easily visible on the mobile layout?

    2) Thank you for the code. That did work to center the stars on the products catalog page, however now the stars on the individual product pages are also centered.(Screenshot attached.) They should be left justified.
    Also, the related products at the bottom of the product page no longer show stars.(Screenshot attached.)

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    in reply to: Product Reviews Position and Review Stars Position #269597
    Post count: 50

    I’m still waiting for a reply regarding this issue.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Product Reviews Position and Review Stars Position #268790
    Post count: 50

    1. If there’s no way to make my page have the reviews tab automatically open, then how do I get it to look like option 1b that I posted in my original question? “1b) The other option would be to have the product page have tabs like this page: When I go to Theme Options>WooCommerce Options>Product Options and set Product Review Position to tabs it doesn’t change anything.”

    3. I’ve added the code to center the stars for you to take a look at.

    in reply to: Product Reviews Position and Review Stars Position #268440
    Post count: 50

    Hi, Kyle.

    Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately that didn’t resolve my issues.

    1a) I was asking for the Description tab with the long description to automatically display with the product reviews automatically open below the long description. The example page I provided was to show how the reviews were automatically open at the bottom.

    3) I added the code in the custom css box, but unfortunately it only removed the text showing the number of reviews, but the stars are still aligned left. I removed the code since it didn’t work, but I have attached a screenshot.

    Thank you again for your help.

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    in reply to: Slideout menu doesn't fold again? #267917
    Post count: 50

    Thank you for your help. I understand how it works now.

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