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  • cori_tmc
    Post count: 50


    What about the main reason for this thread? Are you going to implement the fix for the coupon issue? This has been on going for over 6 months now.

    I’m beginning to regret choosing this theme with all the issues that it’s caused.

    Post count: 50


    Yes, the state error is still occurring on the Checkout page for both themes. I’ve left it on the 2017 theme so you can see for yourself, and I’ve attached a screenshot. Please make the changes that you need to make and do any testing that you need to do to resolve this issue. I’d appreciate an update as you go, but please don’t wait for me to make the changes for you, since this will slow down the process immensely.

    Thank you again for your assistance.

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    Post count: 50

    Hi, Ed. is up again so you can proceed with your testing. I was able to backup the site to a copy prior to the changes you made on 5/7, however I wasn’t able to back it up prior to the changes you made on 3/28. I was hoping I could, in case there was some sort of conflict that occurred, but I didn’t have a back up that old. Perhaps you can locate the changes you made on 3/28 and revert them so you can begin fresh.

    Once you’ve made the changes you need to, if you could check the Checkout page to make sure that you’re not getting the no valid state error like I was before the fatal error caused the site to crash.

    Thank you.

    Post count: 50

    No, I went to do so, and found the website like that. I will restore to a backup and see what happens.

    Post count: 50


    I went to log in to the site to switch the theme and see if I was getting the same error, but the site was down, and it was returning an HTTP ERROR 505.

    Fatal Error

    [Tue May 09 18:01:30.821894 2017] [:error] [pid 10587] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get() on null in /nas/content/live/tmcphp7test/wp-content/object-cache.php:606\nStack trace:\n#0 /nas/content/live/tmcphp7test/wp-content/object-cache.php(364): WP_Object_Cache->get_generation(‘default’)\n#1 /nas/content/live/tmcphp7test/wp-content/object-cache.php(286): WP_Object_Cache->key(‘is_blog_install…’, ‘default’)\n#2 /nas/content/live/tmcphp7test/wp-content/object-cache.php(72): WP_Object_Cache->get(‘is_blog_install…’, ”)\n#3 /nas/content/live/tmcphp7test/wp-includes/functions.php(1359): wp_cache_get(‘is_blog_install…’)\n#4 /nas/content/live/tmcphp7test/wp-includes/load.php(538): is_blog_installed()\n#5 /nas/content/live/tmcphp7test/wp-settings.php(141): wp_not_installed()\n#6 /nas/content/live/tmcphp7test/wp-config.php(129): require_once(‘/nas/content/li…’)\n#7 /nas/content/live/tmcphp7test/wp-load.php(37): require_once(‘/nas/content/li…’)\n#8 /nas/content/live/tmcphp7test/wp-blog-header.php(13): require_once(‘/nas/content/li…’)\n#9 /nas/content/live/tmcph in /nas/content/live/tmcphp7test/wp-content/object-cache.php on line 606

    So I tracked the error down to the file mentioned in the error log: object-cache.php line 606:

    // Attempt to load the generation from memcache. If it’s not present, then the entire
    // cache for this blog has been invalidated, so reset to a new generation.
    $this->generation[$bucket] = $this->mc[$bucket]->get($this->generation_key());
    if ($this->generation[$bucket] === false) {
    return $this->generation[$bucket];

    private function bucket_for_group($group) {
    if (isset($this->mc[$group])) {
    return $group;
    return ‘default’;

    private function convert_expire_time($expire) {
    $expire = ($expire == 0) ? $this->default_expiration : $expire;
    # Memcached treats expiration times over 30 days as Unix Time. Because of this, if
    # a user tries to set wp_cache to over 30 days, we need to convert it.
    if ( $expire > 30 * DAY_IN_SECONDS ) {
    $expire = time() + $expire;
    return $expire;

    ————————- is just a test site. You may find this useful if it has anything to do with the changes you made. I can’t tell, so I thought I should submit it to you just in case.

    Post count: 50

    Hi, Ed!

    That did work! Unfortunately, it created a new problem on the checkout page. This error won’t go away.

    “Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your state. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements.”

    I’ve attached a screenshot, as well.

    Thank you.

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    Post count: 50

    I understand. If it would help you have my permission to continue using the site for testing. You may create a child theme and install the code you mentioned.

    If that resolves the issue how long until the fix is implemented in Atelier?

    Thank you.

    Post count: 50

    I appreciate the suggestion, but I don’t think a child theme is the appropriate solution. That makes it a hassle for me when I have to update the theme. I feel like the problem within the theme itself should be identified and fixed.

    Post count: 50
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    Post count: 50

    No, I’m not showing anyplace to calculate shipping on the Cart page. I’ve attached screenshots from my Samsung Galaxy Note 5 on Chrome. This is also true when I viewed it on my MacBook using Chrome.

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    Post count: 50

    Hi, Ed.

    I emailed a reply two weeks ago, but apparently it didn’t post. My apologies.

    Unfortunately, I don’t think your solution will work. The changes you made didn’t fix the issue. It just removed the ability for a customer to calculate shipping so that they’re not given an error that they shouldn’t be getting. I still need for my customers to be able to calculate their shipping on the Cart page.

    Do you know what is causing Atelier to return this error? What other ways can this be fixed?

    Thank you for your help.


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    Post count: 50

    Oh, I see. There is some custom CSS entered, but you can access it through your admin login that I provided in Theme Options>Custom CSS. Other than that, there’s nothing else customized that I can think of. And I don’t remember making any changes to the site around the time it began occurring, which was back in October of last year.

    Thank you,


    Post count: 50

    Hi, Ed.

    No, the steps just have to be done in the correct order. Your technician Rui was able to duplicate the problem.

    1. Visit the shop at and add an item to your cart.
    2. Visit the Cart page.
    3. It’s very important that you enter a coupon first before calculating shipping. Type captainmma in the coupon field and hit apply coupon. It should successfully apply the coupon.
    4. Then enter your country, state, and zip and hit Update Totals. You’ll see that it does not calculate shipping, and on some browsers it even returns an error at the top of the page saying to Please Enter a Coupon Code, even though there is a valid coupon already applied.

    If you try this on the Checkout page you won’t get the error. The coupon and shipping work fine on the Checkout page, but this is a big problem on the Cart page. I’ve tested this on both Chrome and Safari and I’m having the same problem on both.

    I hope we can find a fix soon. I appreciate your help very much!

    Post count: 50

    Thank you, Rui.

    It appears that Swift support has been able to resolve the other ticket concerning the icon boxes, so feel free to change the theme and plugins on this site ( and do whatever you need to do to figure out how to resolve the problem with coupon code error when calculating the shipping. This is my testing site, so whatever you do here to fix the issue I will need to know how to replicate on my live site to fix the issue there, as well.

    Thank you for all your help!

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