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  • in reply to: Add To Cart Button Missing #175556
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    in reply to: Star Rating not working in Neighborhood Theme #25352
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    Pipeline guys – it actually is that woo commerce isn’t compatible with JetPack, if you disable jetback the star ratings and forms should appear as normal. Frustrating since I love what JetPack offers, but alas, the work arounds required to make everything work smoothly.

    in reply to: Star Rating not working in Neighborhood Theme #15697
    Post count: 21

    Hi Melanie,

    I did some review comparisons between the code in your demo theme on your website and what I was provided and installed on my site. It appears that the review/rating comments system is running off a Contact Form 7 plugin form? I also see a reference on your site to a wp-comments-post.php file that was not included in my install of the theme.

    I think what is missing is A) the wp-comments-post.php and whatever files are needed to connect woocommerce to this floating rating feature and B) the setup specifications within Contact Form 7 to make the form and ultimately drive this feature.

    Can you provide this information or at least verify that we’re on the right path here?


    in reply to: Star Rating not working in Neighborhood Theme #13494
    Post count: 21

    Hi Melanie,

    For obvious security reasons I cannot give you the information you are requesting. However, if you use the “inspect element” feature in google chrome I would guess that you can identify the code error in your theme that is causing this. The theme code has not been altered from the package provided by your company.

    My guess is that there is a coding issue between your theme and WooCommerce ratings. If you can point me in the right direction I can inspect code if necessary.

    The following plugins are active on the website and may provide insight to the issue?
    – Akismet
    – Breadcrumb NavXT
    – Contact Form 7
    – Jetpack by
    – oAuth Twitter Feed for Developers
    – Previous and Next Post in Same Taxonomy
    – Regenerate Thumbnails
    – Revolution Slider
    – WooCommerce
    – WooCommerce USPS Shipping
    – WooThemes Updater
    – WP Issuu
    – WP User Avatar
    – Wysija Newsletters
    – YITH WooCommerce Wishlist

    in reply to: Star Rating not working in Neighborhood Theme #13201
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    I ran into this as well – there is a setting in that is discussed in the read-me file for image sizes. WooCommerce Settings > Catalog > and then at the bottom “Image Options”. Use the read-me files suggested settings.

    Catalog Images Width [540] Height [720] Hard Crop
    Single Product Image Width [540] Height [720] Hard Crop
    Product Thumbnails Width [120] Height [178] Hard Crop

    Next you’ll have to install the plug-in “Regenerate Thumbnails” – (this is a really handy tool) – then you’ll go to “Tools” > Regen. Thumbnails and run the script. It should fix your problem – just resolved this for my own site ( this evening.


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