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Posted in: We hit Power Elite.
I found another issue for the Font here:
You promised this fix 2 months ago and you issued last update Version 1.3.0 (5th October 2016) and this is still not fixed…?
Right, well I’ve turned off the minifying (Autoptimize) but the problem persists. The theme (Uplift) is loading a bunch of unnecessary resources (Google Fonts & Maps) according to Google Pagespeed. How can I turn it off?
You can reproduce the problem by starting a fresh install of Uplift. It is loading…
I got it working. For reference, the CSS needed to change header height was:
.full-center #header, .full-center .float-menu { height:89px !important; } .full-center #main-navigation > li > a, .full-center .header-right > li > a, .full-center nav.float-alt-menu > li > a, .full-center .header-right div.text, .full-center #header .aux-item li { height:89px !important; line-height:89px !important; } .full-center.resized-header #main-navigation > li > a, .full-center.resized-header .header-right > li > a, .full-center.resized-header nav.float-alt-menu > li > a, .full-center.resized-header .header-right div.text, .full-center.resized-header #header .aux-item li { height:59px !important; line-height:59px !important; } .full-center.resized-header #header, .full-center.resized-header .float-menu { height:59px !important; }
Where 89px and 59px is the new height for static and floating header.
Hi Mohammad
Well, no it is not working fully.1. The floating menu is not smaller than the static menu, they are the same size. I want to decrease the height of the floating menu. What CSS property will achieve this?
2. The logo is not adjusting properly (vertically centered) when scrolling and activating the floating menu: -
Posted in: We hit Power Elite.