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ok tkank you, i look at it
login option is already enable i think
yes thank you
exactly the same place on your site “”
June 17, 2014 at 7:57 am in reply to: Thumbnail type & post based revolution slider imcompatibility #82944Ok thank you
I think it will be a good idea to update to it, in futur…No i don’t want disable sign in/out & my account or the top bar.
I want the sign in/out & my account in the top bar(right or left…), not in the headerExcuse my English
arff… ok i understand
And what can you advise me to get this result (file home.jpg)??
-use the “blog élément” (but how change correctly the widh in 3/4 cause he work only in full widh currently)
– use the “carousel post” ( but how increas correctly the width of post in 3/4, for show one only post and keep the responsivity)
– use the “blog élément” + right sidebar (it work but the slider product was trapped on the left sidebar and it should stay on top)or is there another solution ?
thank you for your reactivity
Yes sure it work with “featured image” but no with your “thumbnail options”.
And my problem is i can’t use the “featured image” cause it doesnt take the “thumbnail video” and i need it.
And overall your system of thumbnail is better cause more options…do you know if it’s possible ?
Thank you
but is not really my question.
I would like to know how use “posts based slider” with revolution slider and your principe of thumnails images or video.
The “template slide” work with syntax like %title%, %expert%, etc… for show the diferents elements post. But i dont find the syntax (or others solutions) for show the images or videos thumnails.I tried several “sf” syntax like %sf_thumbnail_image% or %sf_post_thumbnail%, etc… But it does not work.
Have you an idea ?
The posts carousel…
I have the same problem of blank page on my admin with any tabs.
I notice when i delete woocommerce i have no problem.
and no problem for woocommerce with other template…Have you an idea ?