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  • in reply to: Cardinal blog mini excerpt length #292087
    Post count: 11

    Hey Swiftideas,

    I am having the same problem but maybe in a slightly different way.
    I am using the blog mini element here:
    But instead of using posts, I’ve used the Post Type Override to display Portfolio.

    I’ve made the change that written above but U see no change.
    Is there anything I need to change in the PHP code? or what else can I do to increase the number of text displayed in this excerpt.


    in reply to: ALL Portfolio items giving 404 – Code red #292062
    Post count: 11

    I actually have not installed anything new recently, but still I messed around deactivating plugins and at some point the portfolio came back.
    The weird thing is I’ve reactivated all the plugins and the portfolio is still there. Not that I want to complain about it. 🙂

    Post count: 11

    Hey guys,

    Has there been any development here?
    I have this page where I’d display my podcasts that are portfolio items. And the Blog element would give the perfect solution especially since I can just change it to display portfolio items instead.
    However it is showing ALL of the portfolio items and I’ve found no option to to filter it down to a certain category.

    I’ve found a way via CSS to do this.
    I’ve hidden the whole < ul > with display: none; and then revealed all the < li >s that have this category that I wanted.
    It’s not a very elegant solution but seem to work. For it though it’s best to use the AJAX – load more pagination to prevent it showing a lot more pages of items that there are in this category though.

    in reply to: Accordion + Blog interaction #288865
    Post count: 11

    Ah, I see so it must be a bug after all. Good to know. I was worried I am just missing some sort of option somewhere hidden.
    Hopefully the devs can sort it out in the next version.

    in reply to: Accordion + Blog interaction #288591
    Post count: 11

    Ah I just realised that you are looking at the Portfolio items and not the blog ones. When on that screengrab you open the accordion the first row is the Portfolio.
    BELOW that is the blog stuff that is not visible. You can even see a thin line under the leftmost icon. That is one of the blogposts. But it all gets hidden!

    in reply to: Accordion + Blog interaction #288421
    Post count: 11

    Yep same thing.
    Chrome: Version 52.0.2743.116 (64-bit)
    Mac: 10.10.4

    And yes the top part of the page supposed to look like this.
    But also the blog items should be visible in that accordion further down the page.

    in reply to: Accordion + Blog interaction #288289
    Post count: 11

    Based on my previous reply, can you advise anything?

    We are using this accordion on many pages and all of them are broken currently :S.

    in reply to: Accordion + Blog interaction #288019
    Post count: 11

    Hmm that’s interesting.
    I’ve check it on a different computer, in incognito, in a different browser also. It all gives me the same result:

    Are you sure you have not resized the browser window?
    Because upon changing the window size even a little bit cause those hidden blogposts to pop up:

    These blog items seems to be full size but covered by the section below:

    in reply to: Accordion + Blog interaction #287785
    Post count: 11

    Not sure if it helps or not but interestingly if I resize the browser window (doesn’t matter how little), the blog items pop up and looks the way it should look initially.

    in reply to: Old Version 2.4.4 #287659
    Post count: 11

    Hey David.

    Thanks a lot.
    We have updated Cardinal now to 2.5.60 which is supposed to be latest.
    However now a bunch of errors emerged and I am not sure why.

    The “chevron” image does not extend all the way to the edge of the screen and the middle image of that gentleman’s face has shifted.
    The quotes on the page became small from much larger versions.
    Also the wistia videos on the page seem to have lost it’s responsiveness in it’s container.
    Breadcrumbs came back onto the page (and a lot of other pages).

    Do you have any advice what might have happened and if we can globally change it?
    It would be annoying to go through every page one by one.

    Thanks a lot!

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