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  • in reply to: Mobile Menu does Not Open on any device #104631
    Post count: 6

    ..oddly it just started working. wondering if somehow cached files still remained active for the set time period after i turned them off?

    oh well. seems to work now 🙂

    in reply to: Logo overlap #55546
    Post count: 6

    Thanks Melanie and Mohammad!

    I hadn’t tried setting the background-size property as I didn’t realize the logo switched from an image to a background image at that point but that makes perfect sense as to why you can no longer select it or inspect it as an image. That selector worked perfectly. I’ll certainly remember to try it from now on when I’m having any image selecting issues.

    I went with:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {

    #logo {
    background-size: 200px auto !important;

    to try and closely match the break point for the sticky header logo, and its size.

    in reply to: Logo overlap #54689
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    in reply to: image captions #47139
    Post count: 6

    For now I’ve marked up a simple div to put the image shortcode in with a centered caption underneath, but it would be nice to have the caption built in as even with copy/paste it gets a little tedious over the 50 odd images I have to mark up each one.

    in reply to: Image caption #47130
    Post count: 6

    The fix works great, but I need the functionality of having the caption below the image and also have the lightbox functionality. IS there any way that another patch could be added to achieve this?

    in reply to: CSS for DANTE sf-icon-box #44557
    Post count: 6


    I’m not sure why but this just started working. I wrapped the short code in a div, and styled the div, which i had also tried before. but for some reason after a lot of refreshing it decided that it would no longer drive me insane. Oh the simple pleasures in life 🙂

    The theme is great, but the caching seems like it might snag on things such as this sometimes? not sure what the issue was.

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