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  • in reply to: Main Menu as Widget? #43970
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    in reply to: Sub-Menu Width #43660
    Post count: 12

    Ed –

    You are a code poet.

    You CSS styles the menus to sub oriented left. I switched left with right below to make the menus sub orient right.

    What an elegant solution.

    Thank you,


    nav#main-navigation .menu ul ul {
    left: 100%;
    right: auto;
    min-width: 180px;

    in reply to: Sub-Menu Width #42521
    Post count: 12

    Ed –

    Thanks for the reply.

    Didn’t get an email update like I usually do when you guys post here. Sorry for not getting back to you more quickly.

    Your questions pose interesting solutions.

    1. Adding more margin to the right of the top bar items might make the first-tier menu structure look unbalanced, and still not solve the problem of the truncated submenu sizes. I seem to recall there is a way to manually set the borders of those submenus via CSS, but am not good enough on inspecting elements to determine which CSS class to re-define.

    2. Including submenus in the first-tier menu might not keep the organization manageable, but may solve the spacing problem if the first-tier menu has function auto-sizing for length.

    Would another option be to use a different (or even new version of a) header menu structure? I’ve played with the others in the Header Options, and there is none that is able to be as minimal and elegant as this one. And speaking of new header options, I’d love to see an option in the future that allows a Super Search that just drops down instead of Welcome + SuperSearch/Text or whathaveyou. FWIW… 🙂

    Your suggestions would be still most appreciated on any CSS styling code if possible.

    Keep up the great work!

    Andrew Rose

    in reply to: Sub-Menu Width #39961
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    in reply to: Category Heading in Post #24381
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    in reply to: Remove Author on Blog Carousel: CSS? #21414
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    in reply to: Remove Author on Blog Carousel: CSS? #21343
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    in reply to: Social Icons, Header, Mobile #20950
    Post count: 12

    Melanie –

    You are code poet.



    in reply to: Social Icons, Header, Mobile #20809
    Post count: 12

    Melanie –

    Yes, RE: #1, is there any way for you to provide the CSS that forces the social icons in the top bar to align to the right as described in the template?

    I hope you had a chance to visit my site and see that they float toward the center.



    in reply to: Social Icons, Header, Mobile #20402
    Post count: 12

    Melanie (and all those who read after)

    RE: Mobile portion of this post.

    Did a little more troubleshooting and this is what I found:

    If you want the responsiveness of Neighborhood to stay as designed in-theme, then please be sure to deactivate the WordPress JetPack “Mobile Theme” plug-in. It overrides the responsiveness feature of Swift’s Neighborhood theme.

    I was able to test on screenfly’s quirktools after deactivation, and all is back to normal on that front. The responsiveness, theme-styling, etc of Neighborhood appears as intended.


    in reply to: Social Icons, Header, Mobile #20397
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    in reply to: Social Icons, Header, Mobile #19679
    Post count: 12

    Melanie –

    RE: 1, 2.

    1. Perhaps I wasnʻt clear enough. This is a Swift glitch. When I add the social icons to the text menu option for right top bar location, it floats left. I have seen other support tickets on here address in such a way to correct a float like this. When entered into the left top bar text option, the icons sit flush left. When in the right, they donʻt head all the way to the right margin. Please advise.

    2. Will do.

    3. Yes, I am unable to see the site as graphic on either an iPhone 4s or an iPad 1. They render as text mobile sites. This theme did not start out behaving that way. Is there a setting I may have changed in the Neighborhood options that affects mobile reading?

    Thank you again.


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