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  • alexjust
    Post count: 52

    sorry, I should clarify actually,it DOES set it to full width but the left and right hand edges are white and block out the slide whereas before the slide was visible all the way to the edge.

    in reply to: anchor positions have a mind of their own… #183073
    Post count: 52

    Hi Rui

    Yes I ended up getting some freelance developers to fix the issues as I’d run out of time. thanks 🙂

    in reply to: anchor positions have a mind of their own… #182622
    Post count: 52

    Aha! So I’ve made a bit more progress as I’ve realised now I just need to put program-monitoring etc into the Spacer ID so you can ignore the previous two messages 🙂

    However, I still have the original problem that the actual anchor locations are inaccurate. For services, I have now turned on the one page nav menu on the right hand side, and there the anchors DO go to the correct location, however, using the side menu, they go to a different location and using the drop down menu under Services when I am ON ANOTHER page goes to a completely different location again and THAT’S what I’m trying to resolve (ie to have the anchors actually go to where they are supposed to NOT just when using the one page nav – which we don’t want to use)

    It must just be something in your code that’s sending them to three different locations…

    Hoping we’re getting warm now!

    in reply to: anchor positions have a mind of their own… #182616
    Post count: 52

    Yay I think we may finally be getting somewhere! I have been inserting the links in the paragraphs above as the anchors take you to the top of the page rather than inline with the left hand menu (as I would like it to be) so I’ve kind of had to fudge it (see attachment of where I’ve put the anchors. Anchor is marked with red rectangle)

    I’ve now spend an hour trying various combinations of what I am supposed to place in the spacer Id, but nothing is working, and it’s just making the side menu disappear so I must be using the wrong code (I’m just putting in regular anchors ie I’m putting in the spacer Id field. I also tried just program-monitoring, #program-monitoring etc but none of those seem to be correct either. Could you please tell me what I AM supposed to put into the Spacer ID field, and perhaps just test it quickly to see if the side menu again disappears?

    Thanks so much! Really hoping we FINALLY have an answer! 🙂

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    in reply to: anchor positions have a mind of their own… #182609
    Post count: 52

    Ah, I think maybe now we are finally getting somewhere… yay!! I didn’t realise you could use the spacers for this so I have placed the IDs in the previous paragraphs as the problem was that the position of the anchors goes to the very top of the page, not inline with the left hand menu as I would like it, so I’ve kind of had to fudge it by inserting it above (see snapshot of example of regular anchor as I’ve currently got it positioned marked with red rectangle)

    I tried to use the same anchor formula in the Spacer ID as you’ve suggested, but it just made the whole side menu disappear so I must be using wrong code… I entered into the Spacer ID field. What am I supposed to enter?

    Thank you!

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    in reply to: anchor positions have a mind of their own… #182079
    Post count: 52

    Yes, as I described, when you are IN the page, the links go to the correct location, but when you are on any other page and you try to go to any of the anchors using the drop down menus under Services or About, it takes you to the WRONG location.

    in reply to: anchor positions have a mind of their own… #181758
    Post count: 52

    Hi Kyle

    You mean changing from ?page_id=16



    I tried this for Services/program monitoring and no, it doesn’t make any difference 🙁

    in reply to: anchor positions have a mind of their own… #180984
    Post count: 52

    thank you! I look forward to hearing from them 🙂

    in reply to: anchor positions have a mind of their own… #180964
    Post count: 52

    Thanks Rui

    Do let me know if this is something that’s just something nobody can help with just so I can stop waiting for an answer and just move on to trying to find a different solution.

    Thanks! 🙂

    in reply to: anchor positions have a mind of their own… #179840
    Post count: 52

    Yes the permalinks are fine. That’s not the problem. The problem is the location the permalinks are going to are not what they have been set to.

    Could you maybe get Kyle to have a look at this as he may understand the question better.

    Thanks Mohammed

    in reply to: anchor positions have a mind of their own… #179426
    Post count: 52

    Hi Mohammad

    Thanks for your response. I DO have full link instead of just # eg ?page_id=16#program-design and even if I change that to it’s still the same problem in that it jumps to the wrong location if I go to it from any other page other than the Services page…

    So that’s not it… 🙁

    in reply to: anchor positions have a mind of their own… #179372
    Post count: 52

    Hi again, still haven’t heard back from anyone regarding this post even though it’s been a few days now.

    Could you let me know if this is beyond the scope of what you can give me help/advice with or if you’re just a bit snowed under with responses at the moment and have yet to get to this one.

    Thanks so much! 🙂


    Post count: 52

    thank you!!! 🙂

    Post count: 52

    Hi Kyle

    I thought that was the problem too and I did remove it to test, but even with that code gone it still has the bullet points, so I cut ALL the custom code and did a refresh and the bullet points were STILL there, so it does seem to be something that’s part of the theme…

    in reply to: masonry blog layout #175968
    Post count: 52

    thanks so much! 🙂

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