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  • in reply to: Translations problems #154520
    Post count: 57

    I want to have “My wishlist on Sewing Peanuts” in the wishlist menu AND in the wishlist page.

    So I’ve changed the sentence in the Wishlist plugin page, I’ve changed “My wishlist on %s” to “My wishlist on Sewing Peanuts” and then, I’ve rescanned in the codestyling localization, but I still view only “My wishlist on %s”, I don’t see my sentence “My wishlist on Sewing Peanuts”.

    in reply to: Translations problems #153892
    Post count: 57

    Ok, now the sentence in the wishlist menu is translated. Where was the problem ? In the theme code or in the plugin code ? (just for information)

    But now, in the wishlist page, the title is “MY WISHLIST ON %S” in English and Spanish.

    And the link to the wishlist page in the wishlist menu is still always in English.

    Thank you for your help

    in reply to: Translations problems #153845
    Post count: 57

    When I open Neighbohood theme in localization, I see all correctly.

    But I’m not using the main theme, I’m using a child theme.

    I had contacted WPML support yet and they tell me to ask to the plugin support. ANd the plugin support don’t answer. So, I don’t know if it’s a plugin or theme problem but sure it doesn’t work..

    I don’t know what to do ?

    in reply to: Translations problems #153779
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    in reply to: Translations problems #153017
    Post count: 57

    Like I already said in my previous message, I’ve translated the sentence “My wishlist in Sewing Peanuts” in the codestyling localization plugin. I’ve also translated them in WPML. But nothing appears. They are still the sentence and the link to the wishlist page in English..

    in reply to: Translations problems #152409
    Post count: 57

    I don’t know why and how, but now, the cart menu is in English, it works !

    I don’t know if it was you who solved the problem or if it’s the codestyling localization plugin..

    So, the cart menu works properly. Now, there remains the problem of the wishlist menu :
    – The sentence always in English (“My wishlist on SewingPeanuts”)
    – The link always in English (“http://……./wishlist/view”)

    in reply to: Translations problems #152351
    Post count: 57


    I’m not using the English alone, the site is in 2 languages : English and Spanish.

    – I’ve deleted de WPLANG but the 2 problems are still presents.
    – I’ve translated the sentence “My wishlist on SewingPeanuts” in Spanish with the codestyling localization plugin, but it’s always in English..

    in reply to: Translations problems #151868
    Post count: 57

    But if I add French later, I can’t delete this 2 files now..

    And for the wishlist problem, the sentence and the link to the wishlist which are always in English, any news ?

    Thank you for your help !

    in reply to: Translations problems #151755
    Post count: 57

    Note :

    If I delete the 2 files “fr_FR.po” and “” in “/wp-content/themes/neighborhood/language”, the problem is “solved”. But sure it’s not the solution.

    I don’t know why it chooses the fr instead of the en.

    in reply to: Translations problems #151750
    Post count: 57

    In my wp-config.php :

    define ('WPLANG', 'en_US');

    in reply to: Translations problems #151183
    Post count: 57

    Yes, it’s in my first post 😉

    To view the site :
    – Login : sp
    – Password : sptest

    in reply to: Translations problems #151124
    Post count: 57

    I’m using WPML plugin

    in reply to: Below Slider + Revolution Slider Problem #150469
    Post count: 57

    Good 🙂

    in reply to: Below Slider + Revolution Slider Problem #150450
    Post count: 57

    I have the same problem. I fixed that adding this custom CSS :

    #main-container, #footer-wrap{
        position: relative;
        z-index: 100;

    The problem is that the element “.home-slider-wrap” has its “z-index” property to 99. But the “#main-container” and “#footer-wrap” elements have their “z-index” to 10. I’ve change this to 100 and it fix the problem.

    in reply to: "Sign in" & "My account" without SSL #128807
    Post count: 57

    Ok thank you 🙂

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