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  • in reply to: Change color of Homepage elements and button #217993
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    in reply to: 911 Homepage Major Error! #211588
    Post count: 34

    Awesome! you are the best 🙂 I thought it looked like something quirky that a plugin could affect. relieved

    in reply to: 911 Homepage Major Error! #211586
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    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: 911 Homepage Major Error! #211581
    Post count: 34

    ok, it is now activated. What next?

    in reply to: 911 Homepage Major Error! #211569
    Post count: 34

    Ok, trying to not freak out but it is definitely something site wide with code showing all over 🙁

    in reply to: 911 Homepage Major Error! #211547
    Post count: 34

    I have the code for the page from a few days ago, although it contains the Testimonials section which they don’t really want. Does that help to get it back to almost normal?

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    <p style=”text-align: center;”><span style=”font-size: 2em; font-weight: bold; color: #474747; margin: 0 5px;”>$600,000</span> in 2015 to support recruitment and training of our therapists</p>
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    If you are a licensed mental health professional and you’d like to make a difference in the life of a service member and his/her family (malpractice insurance and office space required), please consider volunteering.
    <p style=”font-style: italic;”>”I volunteer because my brother was in Vietnam and when he came back he needed services such as the counseling The Soldiers Project provides. If The Soldiers Project had been around then, his life would have been much more fulfilling and enjoyable.”</p>
    <p style=”text-align: center;”>[button colour="lightblue" type="standard" size="large" link="" target="_blank"]REGISTER HERE[/button]</p>

    in reply to: Tabs Shortcode Confusion #211539
    Post count: 34

    Ah, got it. This makes more sense.

    I have the info in, however the tabs don’t work when clicked on

    in reply to: Tabs Shortcode Confusion #211517
    Post count: 34

    just saw this message at the top of the post:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /nfs/c10/h01/mnt/141807/domains/ on line 235

    As I am not a developer, I don’t know what this means but it is probably info you need

    in reply to: How to add elements to or subtract from Homepage #211479
    Post count: 34

    Thank you!

    in reply to: How to add elements to or subtract from Homepage #210526
    Post count: 34

    After re-reading your directions, I went in and removed the Testimonials by actually following your directions the second time around!

    Thanks, this is 100% taken care of sorry I wasn’t more clear in my last response.

    somewhat related follow up: I was wondering where I could find a link to a page with the short codes for Neighborhood and any information about adding elements to the homepage. I’m logged in but for some reason, the information wasn’t displaying for me. I didn’t see it in the Knowledge base. In the the future, I don’t want to have to bug you all so much 😉

    in reply to: How to add elements to or subtract from Homepage #210333
    Post count: 34

    duh, just did it through “page content editor” like you said!

    All is good!

    On a sidenote, I wasn’t able to access the Neighborhood short codes even though I obviously have an account. I need them for homepage elements, text boxes, etc.. Any tips?

    in reply to: How to add elements to or subtract from Homepage #210329
    Post count: 34

    Well that seems obvious! When I went in and did this, to my horror this is what the preview looked like 🙁 *see screenshot*

    I left the page without saving the change because that’s definitely not what I want it to look like! That was through the visual editor, should I go through the text instead?

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    in reply to: Spacing is off with no explanation #210318
    Post count: 34

    rad! thanks!

    in reply to: Spacing is off with no explanation #210234
    Post count: 34


    2- awesome, thanks for the fix, it looks great now

    1- maybe I need more coffee, but I don’t see where there is actually an extra line (see attached). I mean, I agree that that’s what the deal must be but check out my screenshots and let me know because if I delete a line above “Dark Gold” it just nestles up to the box code… Of course, the fact that the text needs to be white doesn’t make it any easier 😉

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    Post count: 34

    Hey, I just went in and deleted the “About The Soldiers Project” submenu that was creating all the trouble in the screenshot above.

    Let’s hit the pause button on this while I wait to hear back from the client. I think they will ask why the text is so far over to the right, but let me see if they are okay with the general set up for now.

    thanks, here’s what it looks like now.

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