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Vincent, almost. Your solution is made of a main-menu (with no content/link to open a site) and submenus with content/links to a specific page. The menu I have will open a site when clicking at the main-menu link. I hope this makes sense to you. Maybe the snippet needs just a small adjustment so it will work also in my case.
Not sure but maybe it has something to do with the class .visible-sm and .visible-xs. Because I searched in the Dante folder for “.visible-” and found out that there are more of this class declarations, like visible-lg and .visible-md. The only problem is I have no idea what they used for. Maybe you know?
The website is still on a staging server and can’t be accessed via internet at the moment. :/
Unfortunately the page is still in development and not accessible from the internet. Not sure if it helps to post that particular snippet of source code.
<li class="blog-item col-sm-12 post-4346 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-blog tag-automation tag-randomization tag-regression-testing tag-squish tag-tip-of-week tag-workflow"> <div class="mini-blog-item-wrap"><div class="blog-details-wrap"><h3 itemprop="name headline" class="entry-title"><a href="http://foo/blog/squish-tip-of-the-week-alter-test-scenario-workflow-to-increase-test-effectiveness/">Squish tip of the week: Alter test scenario workflow to increase test effectiveness</a></h3><div class="blog-item-details vcard author">By <span itemprop="author" class="fn">Amanda Burma</span> on <span class="date updated">June 25, 2014</span></div><div class="excerpt" itemprop="description"><p>Many times tests are implemented using a single approach to validate a desired result. Do users use the application the same way? Changes are high they don’t. Consider enhancing your automated testing to incorporate altering workflows to validate the same end result. Challenge: Come up with (minimum) 3 ways a test can confirm the same desired result Break each approach </p>...</div><div class="comments-likes"></div><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2014-06-25"/></div></div> </li>
Please let me know if you need any other information…
This issue is resolved and can be closed 🙂
This issue is resolved and can be closed 🙂
I’ve found another menu with some more settings and with the help of custom CSS I was able to build my own menu with permanent showing submenu, if there are items existent. So this issue is resolved and can be closed 🙂
This issue is resolved and can be closed 🙂
I have found a solution which is not the best but it works. This issue can be closed 🙂
November 3, 2016 at 4:00 pm in reply to: Show mobil menu on pageload and after a few seconds toggle it sideways #300321This issue is (somewhat) resolved and can be closed 🙂
This issue is resolved and can be closed 🙂
Rui, I haven’t tried that particular piece of code but I guess its’ working as well. However the solution I came up with works so far and I just keep it until something breaks. 😉
Thanks for your help. 🙂
This issue is resolved and can be closed 🙂
I close this because this is going to be solved pretty soon.