New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Flexform YouTube Social Profile Not Working with Flexform Theme

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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #154054
    Post count: 3

    Hoping you can help. I’m having 2 issues: 1) I can’t seem to update the theme. I get this message: Could not remove the old theme. Theme update failed.

    2) I’m unable to link up my social profile for YouTube to my Mirsky Digital YouTube channel ( I wonder if this could relate to YouTube changing its URL structure from /user to /c. It is probably not helpful that I’m using an older version of the theme. I saw for another Theme that the answer was that it was looking for a YouTube PROFILE vs a CHANNEL so perhaps that is the answer? I have tried every which type of YouTube username in the Flexform social icons UI area, but all result in broken links. This is an answer I found on the forums which could apply here?

    Social Prifiles – you tube

    The YouTube widget is meant for profiles, not channels.
    I’ve created a tutorial for our Supreme theme, but it should work for Pinpoint as well, so here goes:
    – Open wp-content/themes/pinpoint/includes/shortcodes.php via FTP with a code editor, such as Sublime Text 2 or Dreamweaver or Notepad++
– go to line ±600, where you see this:
    if ($youtube) { $social_icons .= ‘<li class=”youtube”>YouTube‘; }
    Change that to:
    if ($youtube) { $social_icons .= ‘<li class=”youtube”>YouTube‘; }
    It is also required to change ‘user’ for ‘channel’ in line 83 in widget-subscribers.php
    Save the files to server and it should work as you need it now.
Support Assistant

    Social Link to YouTube doesn't work

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please provide me wordpress admin login detail to check and resolve the issue.

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    Post count: 3
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    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please open to edit shortcodes.php at /flexform/includes/.

    Find this code:-
    if ($youtube) {
    $social_icons .= '<li class="youtube"><a href="'.$youtube.'" target="_blank">YouTube</a></li>'."\n";
    Change with:-
    if ($youtube) {
    				$social_icons .= '<li class="youtube"><a href="'.$youtube.'" target="_blank">YouTube</a></li>'."\n";


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