New Landing How can we help? Atelier Yoast SEO not recognised in wp-admin

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #306968
    Post count: 32

    Hi there,

    I have a few questions….

    1. concerning the Yoast SEO plugin. I use this for my other sites and I am very pleased with it. But …. as for the Atelier theme (of swift framework) it’s not working 100%. It seems not to recognise the product description.
    So I wonder now if Google is able to read these descriptions?

    2. default no swift builder
    After the update the default use of the swift builder is gone for all products. So when we open a product to edit we have to turn on the swiftbuilder first. How can we turn this default on again?

    Thanks for helping again;-)

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) Google will decide what it indexes based on the content within the source code. The Yoast meta descriptions should be added manually, see screenshot.

    2) If I open a few of your products, the PB is enabled.

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    Post count: 32

    Thanks for your answer. But it is not the answer We are looking for;-)

    We know where to fill the Yoast SEO and the Yoast meta descriptions are already added manually. Also it seems that Google can find and index these descriptions, but….

    Please take a look at the screenshot attached. (This is the product:

    As you can see, it says: ‘The text contains 3 words. This is far below the recommended minimum of 300 words. Add more content that is relevant for the topic.’.

    In the descriptions we don’t have only 3 words. There are far more words in the product description.
    Yoast can’t read these description texts. And because Yoast can’t read them, we don’t see the green bullets when the SEO settings are good.
    In the admin product overview we only see red dots. This way we can’t see what products need optimising and what products are already optimised.

    Is this a problem in the theme, in the swift framework or somewhere else?
    And – more important- how can we solve this?

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    I’ll need to check this further with the team – thanks for your patience.


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