New Landing How can we help? Atelier YITH Ajax Product Filter classes

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #216861
    Post count: 13

    Hi guys,

    I’m trying to install the plugin YITH Ajax Product Filter, but it doesn’t work. You guys made special WooCommerce templates for Atelier, but I need the following classes to make it work. I already tried to find it myself, but failed.

    If your theme use the WooCommerce standard templates, you don’t need to change the following values. Otherwise, add the classes used in the template of your theme. If you don’t know them, please contact the developer of your theme to receive the correct classes.

    – Product Container : (Default: .products)
    – Shop Pagination Container : (Default: nav.woocommerce-pagination)
    – Result Count Container : (Default: .woocommerce-result-count)

    Could you help me out with the right classes?

    Thanks in advance!

    – Ghislaine

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Will forward to the development team so they can assist.
    Let’s wait for the reply.


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,

    Are you using the latest update? If so, all classes should be default.

    – Ed

    Post count: 13

    I see it now when I look at the code in Chrome (Elements) and I think it is a problem of the plugin YITH Ajax Product Filter. The code of the products are there, I can even click on them, but I don’t see the products. I will contact YITH to help me out with this.

    Thanks for the help anyways!

    – Ghislaine

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    ok no problem

    – Kyle

    Post count: 25

    YITH ajax product filter filtering but not showing product?
    Ajax advance product filter the same, filtering but not showing…

    Both plugins works in other themes
    Both plugins show filtered products with a Page Refresh.

    Any tip? Solution?

    Post count: 32

    That’s a +1 from me too 🙂

    Post count: 13

    I didn’t got the right things with YITH ajax product filter filtering, so I bought a plugin at It’s $22, but it’s totally worth it. Easy to use and adjust, also wit a lot of features! I tried it with this theme, easy implementation!

    I hope this helps a little!

    Post count: 25

    kiki, do you work in swift o develop the plugin? … in any case I was thinking about that plugin. Can I see it working in atelier? If not your gonna be a shitty response..

    Post count: 13

    I don’t work for Swift neither develop the plugin. I just want to help the people that have the same problem as I did, that’s why I posted the link to the plugin. I cannot show the website yet, because I’m still working on it for a client of mine. Maybe in a month it will be online, you can find it on

    However, I don’t understand your negative response…

    Post count: 25

    Sorry kiki, it is not a negative response, but without proof I can not give you a positive.

    Do you have it Working? can you attach a ScreenShot?

    In any case, Thank you for your help and foget me.

    Post count: 13

    In the attachments you’ll find my screenshots of the plugin.

    Hope you’ll find it useful.

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    Post count: 25

    Thank you for the Info!! It looks really good! and the design too!

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    @kiki1990 Thanks for sharing.


    Post count: 25

    Rui, any advance on this? No plugin with ajax works correctly with Atelier. Yith ajax filter, woocommerce ajax autoload, ajax filter plugin, an others i don’t have now. It looks like the ajax call is blocked in the product list pages.

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