New Landing How can we help? Atelier WPML woo product page with custom content from the swift page builder NO work

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #280445
    Post count: 69

    Hi, i made some product with added content with the swift builder like when i try to translate in french with wpml i loose all the added content, i get only the basic woocommerce datas. Atelier is WPML compatible but looks like it didn’t manage well the added content. i’m in discussion with the WPML support since 10 days, last message is:


    “I’ve checked it a bit more and I see that your theme is including a new custom section on product edit page to handle all presentation options of the page. These options are saved as custom fields in each product. The problem is that these fields are not being copied by default on the product translations (as WooCommerce Multilingual doesn’t know what to do with them and it’s not specified in the theme). If you want to copy them to all product translations you should mark them as ‘Copy’ in WPML>Translation Management>Multilingual Content Setup or from the product page itself.

    Please see the following screenshots to take a better idea.

    You just need to chose ‘Copy’ option for the fields that doesn’t need to be translated. For the ones that need translation chose ‘Translate’.

    Then, try to save the original product (just in case) and translate the product again (or update the translation).

    Let me know if the issue gets fixed.

    In any case, we’ll contact the theme author to let him know that he should specify the translate option in his theme so next time these fields will be automatically copied to product translations. 🙂


    Are you aware about this missing part in Atelier ? Also when i do what they said it’s not working. It’s working first time and if a update again the translated page i get a strange link (with attribute inside) going to homepage. I’m really disapointed both are not working that good together, please some help.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Can you test this with theme version 2.1.6?

    Let me check with Ed (lead dev) to see if he has had contact from WPML regarding this feedback.


    Post count: 69

    Hi David

    I’m using 2.1.6 same issue.

    I have more info/explanation about the issue. The problem is wpml-redirection-atelier. I was using redirection plugin, i deleted it (but need a redirection process) so i use yoast SEO premium to manage redirections. Then i notice that each time i save a product page (all languages) then a redirection is created. I have to delete it and it’s ok.

    I had in the beginning a big problem, no way to translate custom data in woo page, now it’s ok but each time i save a product i have to delete the automatic created redirection.

    wpml support wrote : “Thanks for reporting this! We’ve already reported it to compatibility team so they can contact the author and work together to grant 100% compatibility!”.

    Hope both team will solve this strange issue and time consuming before we found why.

    Post count: 69

    I should close this topic, it’s working now with a redirection bug. I will make a new post. Thanks David

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Topic closed, thanks.

    – Ed

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