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  • Posted in: Joyn
  • #119307
    Post count: 17

    When I activate the functions.php (delete the 1) I get the error again…

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    I only did the change to 2 or 3 function, and provided you an example of how to do it in 1 function.
    You will have to replicate or hire someone to apply it to all the functions you are trying to override.

    The error should be not in the same function has in the beginning.

    Unfortunately we just don’t have time to provide this kind of customization to all our customers, hope you understand that.


    Post count: 17

    Before buying the theme, I asked if there were problems with the use of plugins etc. They said that everything works perfect. So i bought the theme.
    Now it does not work like Swiftideas promised. And your answer is that I need to hire someone to fix a bug in a team I bought because there were no bugs with plugins?
    I think this is not how this should be.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @maartendc

    I’ve heard from another customer that WPML is at fault here, and they are providing a BETA version of the plugin which fixes the issue. Please can you contact them to check?

    This isn’t a problem with the theme.


    – Ed

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