New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante WPML language switcher switches to page instead of Homepage

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #175580
    Post count: 252

    Hi I noticed something strange and cannot seem to figure out how to fix it.
    My default language is dutch and my translated language is english, it works fine but I noticed that when I switch first to english and then select the dutch language from the language picker in the header, it refers me to the name of the page that is set as the homepage instead of the homepage itself. Making my website blank.
    should be:

    where can I fix this?

    Post count: 252

    2) I have a <script> code for a chat popup that should be pasted between the <head> tags. Where should I paste this is my child theme? I just did it in the functions.php file but it broke my site..


    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    1- Please go to Admin -> Theme options -> Custom CSS/JS -> Custom JS. Here you can insert your code with script tag.

    2- I am not sure about WPML issue. Can you please contact at WPML Support?


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