New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Flexform WordPress regisger page logo – how to change it?

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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #5467
    Ben – SUPPORT
    Post count: 690

    The easiest way would be to access the files using an ftp and replace “wp-content/themes/flexform/images/custom-login-logo.png” with your own logo


    Post count: 1

    I had the same issue and replaced the file, but the image gets squeezed/distorted. Is there anyway to disable this so a Custom Login plugin could be used?


    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851

    You can disable the function, yes.

    In functions.php, line 1398, which is this:

    add_action('login_head', 'sf_custom_login_logo');

    Change it to:

    //add_action('login_head', 'sf_custom_login_logo');

    Save the file and it won’t be using our custom login logo anymore. Note that you’ll need to do this each time after updating the theme.


    Cosmin – Support

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