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  • #69911
    Post count: 2

    Hi if am having problems with the ‘human check’ on my site showing when visiting the site not just when logging into wp-admin. I spoke to my hosting about this and they have removed the human check for now but they sent me this response.

    “you’ll see your theme is calling some code directly from wp-admin – this is bad practice and not very safe which is why the popup is coming up.”

    Is this something you can fix as I would like to activate the human check again?


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Let me check this with the developer, never had anyone with this issue before

    – Kyle

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @chonie42,

    This is called by WooCommerce for the AJAX url – this is standard WordPress procedure.

    – Ed

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