New Landing How can we help? Atelier WordPress 4.3.1 upgrade trashed my font settings

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #213661
    Post count: 179

    very sorry to bother you guys again today,

    but i was compelledd to upgrade today to WordPress 4.3.1 due to the 3 ominous-sounding security holes it fixes

    unfortunately this new version seems to have changed the default Atelier font settings or at least changed how Atelier or Redux or Woocommerce (or whatever it is under the hood that is ultimately controlling the font settings) is now rendering my web site’s fonts

    i carefully checked my custom css and cannot find anywhere where any css i have written could have done this
    i also did not go into the theme options for fonts and change anything prior to ugrade

    unless there is something wrong with the particular install version that i downloaded form themeforest, others customers of swiftideas are probably encountering the same issue

    please advise as to how to fix this.

    many thx

    i certainly hope, as with the slider problem flagged earlier today, that i am somehow not the only person w these issues. as things now stand, the site is now unusable.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Can you provide us a specific example?


    Post count: 179

    i flushed mem cache everywhere i could browser, backend through the cpanel, etc, and now the fonts are mysteriously back to normal. What a relief! Who knows how and why this happened.

    as of now, now more new WP version installs no matter what, unless my client risks PCI non compliance as a result.

    thank you for looking into this, though.



    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Glad you got this sorted, always a good idea to run a local development site to test and make changes before deploying to live.

    – David.

    Post count: 179

    i completely agree. but this would cost hundreds $$$ extra per year with the hosting company. i would love a sandboxed dev/test env. client not ready to pay for that until it is proven that this site is worth the additional expenditure. in other words, it has to pay for itself by showing that this theme (measurably helps) sell stuff (vs the generic boring woocommerce free storefront). which is why i am more focused on performance issues and less on front end design niceties. speed is king. and no new wp version installs allowed at this point unless absolutely necessary and required for cc security.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    No problem, all the best.

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