New Landing How can we help? Cardinal WordPress 2.4.4 not working.

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #262791
    Post count: 4

    I’ve uploaded 2.4.4 via FTP because the wordpress update broke my site, but it’s not showing up correctly as an available theme in wordpress. When I go to my theme gallery I see the image attached (as compared to the active version of the theme). and when I do the live preview – everything is FUBAR and the gallery images are still blank. Help!

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    Post count: 4

    Update: Got the theme properly installed, and I’ve flushed the cache, but its still showing whitehome page in chrome (where i have a blogroll with featured images) and then showing something completely different in safari.

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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Showing fine for me: so must be a cache issue

    – Kyle

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