New Landing How can we help? Atelier Woocommerce product layout messed up after update

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #210363
    Post count: 57

    Hey guys, I have just updated the theme, swift framework plugin, wordpress and woocommerce to the latest versions and am experiencing some issues with the shop layout. Before the update I had 3 columns in desktop view and it would scale down nicely to 1 column on a mobile. Now it appears that the desktop view is showing only 2 columns with a gap where the third should go and 3 columns in mobile. Also the list view is completely messed up. Please see screenshots. Thanks.

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    Post count: 57

    EDIT: The column issue seems to only be when I am logged in to wordpress. However, the list view is still showing incorrectly

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi markfordham,

    If you clear your browser cache, do you still experience these issues? I am viewing your site and it looks perfect.


    Post count: 57

    Hi David,

    Yeah it seems that it was a caching issue. However, the list view is not displaying as it used to. It used to display in 1 column with picture on left and description to the right of it. Now it is displaying in 3 columns which doesn’t look right because of the long product descriptions.



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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi Mark,

    I see that also, I will run this past our lead developer to double check.

    – David.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Please add this to your theme options custom CSS input:

    .woocommerce .products .product.product-layout-list {width: 100%!important;}

    We have fixed this and it will be in the next update.


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