New Landing How can we help? Atelier WOOCOMMERCE PLUGIN

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #311250
    Post count: 4


    The woocommerce plugin is not entirely translated. Some words are in enlgish instead of being in spannish. What can i do?

    Futhermore, I have another problem with page builder. I would like to create 5 columns in a row. Your colleague told me that I just have to add a “columns”. The problem is that whan I add a column, it goes directly under the four other columns already created. I would like the fifth columns to be next to the four other ones, not below. How can I do?

    Kind regards,


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    What specific words aren’t translated from Woocommerce? You need to check woocommerce translation files.
    You can have 5 columns but not with the same size, since 1/5 columns aren’t part of the grid.


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