Hi there..
I just have a few (hopefully) simple questions ๐
I want to work out how to change the url for the login at checkout when it ‘remembers’ you. See attached.
it currently points to http://www.icaaward.com/checkout# and does nothing when you click on it where as it should be http://www.icaaward.com/my-account and open that page
On the new account email that is sent out. it says down the bottom “you can accesses your account area to view your orders and change your password here: /my-account.” See attached… the ‘/my-account’ doesn’t link to anything and it should be a hyperlink ‘My Account’ which links to http://www.icaaward.com/my-account – how do i fix this?
When you pay via paypal and the payment is processed it throughs an error of:
Not Found
The requested URL /au/cgi-bin/http://www.icaaward.com/checkout/order-received/11333?key=wc_order_53d8b95802139&utm_nooverride=1 was not found on this server.
When it tries to redirect to the site. The page it should return to is: http://www.icaaward.com/my-account
I really appreciate your assistance on the above matters!
Thank you ๐
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