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  • #111843
    Post count: 26

    Dear Team,
    is it ok to update Woocommerce 2.2.3? Because they say that is a major update and I was wondering if everything it’s ok for the theme to update.

    Thank you.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Yesterday Woocommerce launched the 2.2.3
    We now are assuring the compatibility of this last version with the Neighborhood themes.

    Probably tomorrow or in last case until the end of the week, we will release a new version to ensure full compatibility.


    Post count: 75

    what about 2.2.4 ?

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    We saw that Woocommerce launched that update a few hours ago, we are checking what’s different and if it’s necessary to do something.

    The update for 2.2.3 is almost ready until then don’t update to 2.2.4

    Let’s hope they don’t sent out the 2.2.5 version tomorrow ๐Ÿ™‚
    We will let yo guys know as soon as we have more information.


    Post count: 21

    Tagging onto this thread as I missed the 2.2.3 update so will wait for the OK to update to version 2.2.4

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441


    – Please try to update version 1.92 and let me know your feedback.
    Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚
    With Best Regards

    Post count: 67

    in my version N 1.92 and new woo commerce 2.2.4 everything goes wrong
    some php files are outdate in theme woocommerce. (check system status message appears)
    New woo commerce files from Ed also did not solved problem. Empty cache – nothing.
    I am using WPML plugin (Polish and English translation)

    Currency doesn’t work well (switcher does nothing), and cart language also doesn,t work.
    It shows polish translation in english site!?

    I do not advice to update anything : )

    in new version 1.92 language switcher has double flags (sucks) who knows what else.

    Its so good to have easy backup app.


    Post count: 67

    the problem with cart translation and currency starts after updating WPML plugins : (
    in new version of woocommerce 2.2.4 and N 1.8 besides message (Your theme has bundled outdated copies of WooCommerce template files) everything looks OK and works fine (without hard testing).

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Hi @BonusDeLuxe,

    Do you have any child theme?

    Because with Neighborhood 1.92 and Woocommerce 2.2.4 you shouldn’t get any error message because of outdated copies. Also try to clear the cache.


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