New Landing How can we help? Atelier Woo commerce Update – Templates

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #275594
    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    Hello there, hopefully this is an easy one. I updated to Woocommerce and went to the woocommerce system status report to make sure all was well and saw a couple of warnings under my template overrides metabox:
    atelier/woocommerce/content-product.php version 2.5.0 is out of date. The core version is 2.6.1,
    atelier/woocommerce/content-product_cat.php version 2.5.2 is out of date. The core version is 2.6.1,

    Something to worry about?

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Will forward to our head developer to see if it’s necessary to do anything.


    Post count: 6

    Hi there,

    I’m having the same warnings. Also the Woocommerce update totally disrupted the layout of my product detail pages. Do you know if you will be able to release an update soon?

    Thank you,


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi guys,

    Those warnings can safely be ignored. For some reason they have updated the version numbers in those files, and NOTHING else, so they won’t have any visible effect. We will of course update the numbers in the next update.

    – please log a topic with a link to your site, the issue is likely to do with plugins as the theme hasn’t changed anything there.

    – Ed

    Post count: 6


    Many thanks! Good to know these can be ignored.
    I will create a new topic for my Woocommerce product pages layout problem.


    Katie Sutton
    Post count: 104

    Great, thank you!

    Post count: 240

    I’m having the same issue with the outdated copies message…and I’m unable to access the Orders area of WooCommerce. What’s going on here? I’m not seeing any front-end issues..just the lack of access in the backend.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @GTS75

    Nothing in the theme would stop backend orders from displaying – check any 3rd party plugins for updates?

    – Ed

    Post count: 240

    Can you confirm the current theme version is compatible with the new release of WooCommerce (2.6.1)?

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    The outdated files mentioned, the only changes in those files are to the version numbers in the files – lord knows why WooCommerce has done that, but they have. As far as we know there are no theme conflicts with the 2.6.1 update.

    – Ed

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